The prediction of hazards related to the impact of ocean waves on the coast, as well as the inundation and flood risks related to storms and heavy rainfalls, is a rich domain of research in which human sciences, economics, engineering, physics, applied mathematics, and computer science can blend to provide tools for improving the interaction of men with the environment. Even though a lot of work is still needed and ongoing to improve the reliability of simulation models, numerical forecasts can already be useful for some practical applications.
To push the edge of these applications, in CARDAMOM we have developed robust and adaptive simulation tools. These tools combine state of the art residual distribution and finite volume discretizations, with adaptive mesh generation as well as adaptive mesh deformation. We give hereafter a few examples of applications of increasing complexity. These examples are computed using the code SLOWS and the residual distribution schemes developed in the team.
- Adaptative simulations of the 2011 Tohoku-Honsu tsunami
- Monai valley benchmark
- Tsunami impact on a realistic city (Seaside)
Examples computed by the code SLOWS for the solution of a highly nonlinear weakly dispersive model using a hybrid Finite Volume/Finite element Scheme can be found here
Examples of implementation of some of our methods in a more operational setting can be found here