New Master 2 internship offer: “Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem”

Subject: Optimizing newspaper layout with design-preserving magnification: Study of a new combinatorial/geometric packing problem
Supervisors: Dorian Mazauric (ABS project-team) and Pierre Kornprobst (Biovision project-team)
Abstract: Newspapers pose a unique accessibility challenge for people with vision impairment. We foresee an original approach to generate more accessible newspaper design automatically. The core of this approach is based on a new kind of packing problem which will be the focus of this internship. Your mission will be to study the complexity of the problem, develop and analyze efficient algorithms for this new packing problem, and finally implement them to test the efficiency of your approach.
Skills you will learn: 
For more information: Download PDF (74Kb)
How to apply? Send your application through this form. Please feel also free to contact the supervisors if you need more information.

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