Congrats Mohamed !

Mohamed Younes successfully defended his PhD at 10 a.m. on May 24, 2024. Title: “Learning and Simulation of Sport Strategies (Boxing) for Virtual Reality Training” This thesis investigates the extraction and simulation of fighter interactions, mainly for boxing, by utilizing deep learning techniques: human motion estimation from videos, reinforcement learning-based…

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L’équipe MimeTIC était présente au 48ᵉ congrès de la Société de Biomécanique à Grenoble.

Oral presentation : Effect of mass addition on upper limb joint torques during meat cutting tasks: a parametric study (A. Tomezzoli, G. Dumont, and C. Pontonnier). Poster : Backpack carriage effect on joint torques computed from a range of models : a preliminary study (A. Schuster; A. Tomezzoli, A. Schuster,…

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Congratulations Anne-Hélène!

Anne-Hélène Olivier successfully defended her Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR) entitled “Coordinations visuo-motrices durant la locomotion : Une approche croisée entre les Sciences du Mouvement et les Sciences du Numérique pour l’analyse des facteurs situationnels et individuels impliqués dans les interactions entre marcheurs” on December 7th 2020!

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