Habilitation (HDR) defense of Antoine Liutkus, 11 Feb. 2022, at 14h.

Antoine Liutkus will defend his habilitation (HDR) on February 11th at 2PM (UTC+1). The defense will take place at LIRMM, room 02.022.


The defense will be about the following topic:
Probabilistic and deep models for the processing of mixtures of waveforms
In this presentation, I will start by presentint a summary of the research I did in the past 15 years. Doing so, I will first present my effort on probabilistic audio modeling, in­cluding the separation of Gaussian and α­-stable stochastic processes. Second, I will mention my work on deep learning applied to audio, which rapidly turned into a large effort for community service.
As a conclusion, I will mention my research programme, that involves a theoretical revolving around probabilistic machine learning, and an applied part that concerns the processing of time series arising in both audio and life sciences.”
Christian Jutten, Emeritus Professor, Grenoble Univ.
Rémi Gribonval, Research Director, Inria Lyon
Cédric Févotte, Research Director, CNRS IRIT Toulouse
Laurent Daudet, Chief Scientific Officier lighton.ai and Professor, Univ. Paris Diderot
Tuomas Virtanen, Professor Tampere University
Alexey Ozerov, Research Scientist, Ava, Rennes

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/habilitation-hdr-defense-of-antoine-liutkus-11-feb-2022-at-14h/