Category: Slider News

Zenith seminar: Sihem Amer Yahia (LIG) “Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing”

Monday Dec 15 at 11 am Bat5 2/124 Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing By Dr. Sihem Amer-Yahia (LIG, Univ. Grenoble) A crowdsourcing process can be viewed as a combination of three components: worker skill estimation, worker-to-task assignment, and task accuracy evaluation. The reason why crowdsourcing today is so popular is that tasks are small, independent, …

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Zenith seminar “Multiplayer Games: a complex application in need for scalable replica management”, Bettina Kemme (McGill Univ.), Dec 9, 2014

9/12/2014 à 10h30, salle 5.1.056 Multiplayer Games: a complex application in need for scalable replica management Prof. Bettina Kemme, McGill University Multiplayer Online Games (MOGs) are an extremely popular online technology, one that produces billions of dollars in revenues. The underlying architecture of game engines is distributed by nature and has to maintain large amounts …

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Inria International Chair in Zenith for Dennis Shasha, Novembre 8, 2014

Professor Dennis Shasha, Courant Institute of Mathematics, New York University, has been awarded an Inria international chair 2015-2019, based in the Zenith team, Montpellier. His research program, in the context of the Computational Biology Institute, will address data science in a dynamic world, aiming to find fast and minimalist methods to update insights as new …

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Zenith seminar “A Distributed Collaborative Filtering Algorithm With Multiple and Heterogeneous Data Sources”, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, October 10, 2014

Reda will present his recent work in Distributed Collaborative Filtering on Friday 10 Oct at 3:30pm (room to be defined). A Distributed Collaborative Filtering Algorithm With Multiple and Heterogeneous Data Sources. Recommender systems are used as a mean to supply users with content that may be of interest to them. They have attracted the attention …

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The third edition of Principles of Distributed Database Systems now released in Chinese.

The third edition of Özsu-Valduriez’s Principles of Distributed Database Systems (Springer 2011) has now been released in Chinese. Translation by Prof. Li-Zhu Zhou published by Tsinghua University Press.

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Patrick Valduriez est lauréat du Prix de l’innovation Inria – Académie des sciences – Dassault systèmes 2014

Instaurés en 2011, les Prix Inria ont pour vocation de promouvoir les contributions et succès de celles et ceux qui font avancer les sciences informatiques et mathématiques, qui participent ainsi au développement de notre monde numérique. Inria annonce les lauréats des Prix Inria 2014.

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Best presentation award for Miguel during the Grid5000 Spring School 2014 in Lyon.

Miguel Liroz-Gistau has received the best presentation award from the Grid5000 Spring School 2014 in Lyon for his talk on “Using Grid5000 for MapReduce Experiments” (Miguel Liroz-Gistau, Reza Akbarinia, and Patrick Valduriez). Abstract of the talk: MapReduce is one of the most popular solutions for big data processing. In our recent research activities, we have improved …

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Mastodons International Workshop on “Big Data Management and Crowd Sourcing towards Scientific Data”, June 30, 2014

Monday 30th june 2014, in MONTPELLIER, 95 rue de la Galéra IBC & LIRMM (UM2, CNRS-Mastodons), INRIA-UCSB associated team Bigdatanet Organisation : Esther Pacitti Lirmm reception desk : +33 (0)4 67 41 85 85 Workshop Objective In the context of the Mastodons project in Montpellier, we are addressing problems related to the management and analysis of big scientific data, in particular biology …

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Séminaire du pôle données connaissances : “In-Memory Analytics: Accelerating Business Performance” – QuartetFS, 23 juin 2014 à 11h.

Salle Galera 127 le 23-06-2014, 11h Organisé par l’équipe Zenith In-Memory Analytics: Accelerating Business Performance Antoine Chambille, Romain Colle QuartetFS, Paris The Big Data trend is a rebirth for Business Intelligence. On the one hand the web companies use technologies like Hadoop to extract value from data previously out of reach, because it is too …

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Zenith seminar: “CLyDE Mid-Flight: What we have learnt so far about the SSD-Based IO Stack”, by Philippe Bonnet (Univ. of Copenhagen), May 28, 2014

Zenith Seminar Room Galera 127 on May  28, 2014, 11am. CLyDE Mid-Flight: What we have learnt so far about the SSD-Based IO Stack  Philippe Bonnet, INRIA and IT University of Copenhagen Abstract: The quest for energy proportional systems and the growing performance gap between processors and magnetic disks has led to the adoption of SSDs …

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