2018/09/27 archive

IBC and Zenith Seminar: Daniel de Oliveira “Parameter and Data Recommendation in Scientific Workflows based on Provenance”, 5 June 2018

IBC seminar (WP5): 5/6/2018, room 1.124, 14h Organized by Zenith Parameter and Data Recommendation in Scientific Workflows based on Provenance Daniel de Oliveira Fluminense Federal University Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Abstract: A growing number of data- and compute-intensive experiments have been modeled as scientific workflows in the last years. Such experiments are commonly executed several types varying parameters and input data …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/ibc-and-zenith-seminar-daniel-de-oliveira-parameter-and-data-recommendation-in-scientific-workflows-based-on-provenance-5-june-2018/