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New video with Gaëtan Heidsieck, Esther Pacitti and François Tardieu “The design of digital agriculture” May 2021.

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Inria Brasil – the web site, 24 November 2020

The Inria Brasil web site is now open. It reflects the collaboration between Inria and LNCC, the Brazilian National Scientific Computing Laboratory, and associated Brazilian universities  in High Performance Computing,  Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Scientific Computing. The collaboration is headed by Frédéric Valentin (LNCC, Inria International Chair) and Patrick Valduriez.    

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New France-Brazil research partnership: Inria and LNCC sign Memorandum of Understanding, 2 July 2020.

Inria and LNCC, the Brazilian National Scientific Computing Laboratory, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their collaboration  in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. It is headed by Frédéric Valentin (LNCC, Inria International Chair) and Patrick Valduriez.  

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Postdoc Database Engineer (2019)

Postdoc Database Engineer: query optimization LeanXcale, Madrid, Spain Career level: PostDoc Keywords: Databases, Storage Engine, Query Engine, Query Optimizer Supervisors: Ricardo Jimenez-Péris (LeanXcale) and Patrick Valduriez (Inria) LeanXcale is a NewSQL company developing a scalable Hybrid Transactional Analytics Processing (HTAP) DBMS for both OLTP and OLAP workloads. You will work with the R&D team in …

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Thèse CIFRE Ina et Inria : “Apprentissage profond (Deep Learning) à large échelle pour la création de bases de connaissances et la valorisation d’archives”

Thèse CIFRE Ina et Inria : “Apprentissage profond (Deep Learning) à large échelle pour la création de bases de connaissances et la valorisation d’archives” Sujet L’accroissement du nombre de programmes audiovisuels à archiver impose de nouvelles contraintes de productivité sur la documentation. Le développement d’outils automatiques et semi-automatiques pour assister le travail des documentalistes est …

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Post-doc position: A/B testing guided clustering

Amadeus ( ) and the Zenith team of Inria ( ) are seeking a postdoctoral fellow in A/B testing, clustering and time series analytics. Title: A/B testing guided clustering Description: The post-doc position takes place in a new partnership between Amadeus and Inria. It is linked to Amadeus’ developments in implementation of intelligent …

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PhD Position: Distributed Management of Scientific Workflows for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping

Directors: Esther Pacitti (Zenith team, University Montpellier and Inria, LIRMM), François Tardieu (UMR LEPSE, INRA) and Christophe Pradal (CIRAD) Contact: Funding: #Digitag-Inria (Inria PhD contract, Net salary/month: 1600€) Keywords : Scientific Workflow, Distributed Computing, Cloud & Grid Computing, Phenotyping, Computer Vision, Reproducibility Skills: We look for efficient candidates strongly motivated by challenging research topics in …

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Zenith seminar: Pierre Bourhis “A Formal Study of Collaborative Access Control in Distributed Catalog” 2 dec. 2016

Séminaire Zenith: vendredi 2 déc. 10h30, salle 3/124 bat. 5 A Formal Study of Collaborative Access Control in Distributed Datalog Pierre Bourhis CNRS et Inria Lille We formalize and study a declaratively specified collaborative access control mechanism for data dissemination in a distributed environment. Data dissemination is specified using distributed datalog. Access control is also …

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Zenith seminar: Antoine Liutkus “Modèles probabilistes pour le filtrage des formes d’ondes: application au démixage de la musique” 23 june 2016

Séminaire du Pole Données Connaissances et Zenith: jeudi 23 juin, 10h30, salle 02/124 Modèles probabilistes pour le filtrage des formes d’ondes. Application au démixage de la musique. Antoine Liutkus, Inria Nancy Dans cet exposé, je présenterai mon travail de recherche sur des modèles probabilistes adaptés aux formes d’ondes. Je montrerai comment j’ai appliqué ces modèles …

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Workshop Data Science @ IBC 2016, 15 june 2016 – 14h-17h

Workshop Data Science @ IBC 2016,  15/6/2016 – 14h-17h Campus Saint Priest, Bat 5, 1/124, Institut de Biologie Computationnelle ( Organisé par: 13h30 Café d’accueil 14h Introduction, Esther Pacitti Equipe Zenith, Univ. Montpellier, Inria, LIRMM Data Science: opportunities and risks Patrick Valduriez Equipe Zenith, Inria, Univ. Montpellier, LIRMM Data has been quoted as the new …

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