Category: Slider News

Zenith seminar: Miguel Liroz Gistau “Big Data Processing with Apache Spark” 8 dec. 2015

Multi-Objective Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in Multisite Clouds Miguel Liroz Gistau Zenith, Montpellier Bat. 5. Salle 1/124: 08/12/2015, 11h Abstract Apache Spark is an efficient and general large-scale data processing engine. Leveraging on Hadoop’s ecosystem and with a large and active community, Spark has established itself as one of the main alternatives for big data …

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Zenith seminar: Ji Liu “Multi-Objective Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in Multisite Cloud” 8 dec. 2015

Multi-Objective Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in Multisite Clouds Ji Liu Zenith, MSR-Inria, LIRMM and IBC, Montpellier Bat. 5. Salle 1/124: 08/12/2015, 10h Abstract The cloud emerges as an appropriate infrastructure for executing Scientific Workflows (SWfs). However, it is dicult to execute some SWfs at one cloud site because of geographical distribution of data and computing …

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H2020 High Performance Computing for Energy (2015-2017)

Zenith is now engaging in the H2020 High Performance Computing for Energy (HPC4E) project between Brazil and Europe. As a side effect of the excellent collaboration with Brazil in the CNPq-Inria project HOSCAR, HPC4E (2015-2017) is funded (2M€) by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. Read more.

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Zenith seminar: Maximilien Servajean, “Simple Games for Complex Classification Problems”

Title: Simple Games for Complex Classification Problems Maximilien Servajean 03/07/2015, 11h Abstract: Pl@ntNet is a large-scale innovative participatory sensing platform relying on image-based plants identification as a mean to enlist non-expert contributors and facilitate the production of botanical observation data. The iOs and Android mobile applications allowing to identify plants and share observations have been downloaded …

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HDR Defense “Large-scale Content-based Visual Information Retrieval”, Alexis Joly, May 26, 2015

Alexis Joly’s HDR defense will take place on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 14h at LIRMM, salle des séminaires.   Title: Large-scale Content-based Visual Information Retrieval   Jury members: – Pr. Jenny BENOIS-PINEAU, université Bordeaux 1 (reviewer) – Pr.  Bernard MERIALDO, EURECOM (reviewer) – Dr. Yannis KOMPATSIARIS, CERTH-ITI (reviewer) – Pr. Nozha BOUJEMAA, Inria Saclay – Dr. Olivier BUISSON, INA – Dr. …

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Morgenstern seminar: Dennis Shasha (NYU) “The Changing Nature of Invention in Computer Science”

Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern, Jeudi 2 avril, 11h, Amphithéatre Gilles Kahn, Inria Sophia Antipolis. The Changing Nature of Invention in Computer Science Dennis Shasha Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Zenith team, Inria, LIRMM & IBC, Montpellier What drives inventions in computing? Necessity seems to play only a minor role. Anger at the way things are is much …

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Inria Sophia-Antipolis seminar: Dennis Shasha (NYU) “Group Testing to Describe Causality in Gene Networks”

Séminaire 1: mercredi 1er avril 2015, 15h, Salle Euler bleu, Inria Sophia-Antipolis “Group Testing to Describe Causality in Gene Networks” Dennis Shasha Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Zenith team, Inria, LIRMM & IBC, Montpellier Genomics is essentially the study of network effects among genes. A typical outcome of a genomic study will be some …

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Prix Turing : les bases de données à l’honneur via le Blog Binaire du Monde, 20 avril 2015

Le billet de Patrick Valduriez pour le blog binaire (journal Le Monde), sur le prix Turing de cette année : Michael Stonebraker, chercheur au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), vient de remporter le prestigieux Prix Turing de l’ACM, souvent considéré comme « le prix Nobel de l’informatique ». Dans son annonce du 25 mars 2015, l’ACM précise …

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IBC seminar: Marta Mattoso (UFRJ) “Exploratory Analysis of Raw Data Files through Dataflows”

Séminaire IBC, pôle données connaissances du LIRMM, Zenith Mardi 17 mars, 11h Salle 1/124, Campus Saint-Priest – Bâtiment 5 Exploratory Analysis of Raw Data Files through Dataflows* Marta Mattoso COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro Scientific applications generate raw data files in very large scale. Most of these files follow a standard format established by the domain …

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IBC seminar: Dennis Shasha (NYU) “Statistics is Easy”

Séminaire IBC, pôle données connaissances LIRMM, Zenith Vendredi 6 mars à 14h Salle 2/22 Campus Saint-Priest – Bâtiment 5 860 rue de St Priest 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 Statistics is Easy Dennis Shasha Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Inria, Zenith team, Montpellier Few people remember statistics with much love. To some, probability …

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