Category: Slider News

Seminar by Khadidja Meguelati “Clustering Massivement Distribué via Mélange de Processus de Dirichlet” 9 March 2020

Séminaire Zenith  : 9 mars 2020, 14h Campus St Priest, BAT5, 03.124 Clustering Massivement Distribué via Mélange de Processus de Dirichlet Khadidja Meguelati Zenith, Inria & LIRMM La classification non supervisée (ou clustering) a pour objectif d’identifier des classes pertinentes dans les données. elle est largement utilisée dans de nombreuses applications telles que le marketing, la …

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Seminar by Patrick Valduriez “Innovation : startup strategies” 19 March 2020 ** postponed

**Postponed to June Zenith seminar: 19 march 2020, 10h30 Campus Saint Priest, BAT5, 01.124 Innovation : startup strategies Patrick Valduriez Inria and LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, France Technological innovation as driven by startups is hard to formalize (and manage) as the context may be unknown or quickly changing. To be successful, the innovation process involves not …

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The book “Principles of Distributed Database Systems – Fourth Edition” is now online.

The book Principles of Distributed Database Systems – Fourth Edition (700 pages, Springer), co-authored with Prof. Tamer Özsu (University of Waterloo), is now online, with major revision of previous chapters and addition on new material on big data, NoSQL, NewSQL, polystores, web data integration and blockchain. The paper version is also available at various online …

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Zenith winner at the Global Pytorch Summer Hackaton 2019

Antoine Liutkus and Fabian Stoter won the second place at the Global Pytorch Summer Hackaton 2019 organized by FaceBook with the open-unmix software. See the demo here.

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Séminaire en ligne Franco-Africain par Patrick Valduriez “Blockchain 2.0: opportunités et risques”, 13 nov. 2019

Séminaire en ligne Franco-Africain du LIRIMA Diffusé par l’agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) et Inria Salle Métivier, Inria Rennes, 13 nov 2019 à 16h Blockchain 2.0: opportunités et risques Patrick Valduriez Inria and LIRMM, Université de Montpellier

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Inaugural lecture by Esther Pacitti: “Data Processing: an evolutionary and multidisciplinary perspective”, CEFET/RJ, Rio de Janeiro on 12 August 2019

Inaugural lecture by Esther Pacitti Graduate Program in Computer Science , CEFET/RJ, Rio de Janeiro 12 August 2019, 10:00– Auditorium 5,  Maracanã campus Data Processing: an evolutionary and multidisciplinary perspective E. Pacitti Inria and LIRMM, Montpellier, France The inaugural lecture will address the context of the growth of the amount and variety of data (images, …

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New book on Data-Intensive Workflow Management, May 2019

Release of the new book: Data-Intensive Workflow Management: For Clouds and Data-Intensive and Scalable Computing Environments. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management by Daniel de Oliveira (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil), Ji Liu & Esther Pacitti (University of Montpellier, Inria & CNRS, France) May 2019, 179 pages, Morgan&Claypool Publishers. (

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Seminar by Patrick Valduriez at Inria Lille “The Case for Hybrid Transaction Analytical Processing”, 17 May 2019

Seminar by Patrick Valduriez (Inria) at Inria, Lille 17 May, 10:30 – Amphi B – Inria – Bat B The Case for Hybrid Transaction Analytical Processing P. Valduriez Inria and LIRMM, Montpellier, France Abstract. Hybrid Transaction Analytical Processing (HTAP) is poised to revolutionize data management. By providing online analytics over operational data, HTAP systems open …

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Zenith seminar: Hervé Bredin “Neural speaker diarization” 13 May 2019

Zenith seminar : 13/05/2019, 10h30 Campus Saint Priest, BAT5-02.124 Neural speaker diarization Hervé Bredin (CNRS, LIMSI) Speaker diarization is the task of determining “who speaks when” in an audio stream. It is an enabling technology for multiple downstream applications such as meeting transcription or indexing of ever-growing audio-visual archives. Speaker diarization workflows usually consist of …

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Zenith Seminar: Dennis Shasha (NYU) “Bounce Blockchain: a secure, energy-efficient permission less blockchain”, 27 May 2019

Zenith seminar : 27/05/2019, 15h Campus Saint Priest, BAT5-01.124 Bounce Blockchain: a secure, energy-efficient permissionless blockchain Dennis Shasha New York University & Inria International Chair in the Zenith team at LIRMM Performing proof-of-work for the Bitcoin blockchain currently requires as much electricity as consumed by the country of Denmark. This enormous energy expenditure translates into …

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