Category: Slider News

ZENITH is seeking junior researchers (INRIA is hiring 29 researchers in 2013)

INRIA is hiring 29 researchers in 2013 The competition is now open: ZENITH is seeking junior researchers in scientific data management with expertise in areas such as data mining, distributed and parallel databases, scientific workflows, P2P computing, cloud computing, content-based information retrieval.

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Zenith seminar: Dennis Shasha,”Upstart Puzzles”, January 30, 2013.

Galéra, room 127 at 10:30. Dr. Dennis Shasha is a professor of Mathematical Sciences in the Department of Computer Science at NYU. Along with research and teaching in biological computing, pattern recognition, database tuning , cryptographic file systems, and the like, Dennis is well-known for his mathematical puzzle column for Dr. Dobbs whose readers are …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Dennis Shasha,”Storing Clocked Programs Inside DNA: A Simplifying Framework for Nanocomputing”, January 28, 2013.

Galéra, room 127 at 2:30pm. Dr. Dennis Shasha is a professor of Mathematical Sciences in the Department of Computer Science at NYU. Along with research and teaching in biological computing, pattern recognition, database tuning , cryptographic file systems, and the like, Dennis is well-known for his mathematical puzzle column for Dr. Dobbs whose readers are …

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Zenith seminar: Florent Masseglia,”Big Data Mining”, December 13, 2012.

Florent Masseglia will present a survey on Big Data Mining December 13 at 10:30am, room G.127. Title: Big Data Mining Abstract: In this talk I will adopt a “binary” point of view on big data (i.e. data streams, and data that is so large and complex that it has to be managed in a cloud). …

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Patrick Valduriez named ACM Fellow

The prestigious distinction from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) was recently awarded to a French national for the third time. This is a major honour for Patrick Valduriez, Senior Researcher at Inria and leader of the Zenith joint project-team with LIRMM* in Montpellier. As one of the most influential computing societies in the scientific …

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Workshop Mastodons@Montpellier: Gestion de Données à Grande Echelle en Science de la Vie

Vendredi 7 décembre 2012 de 9h à 17h Lieu: Salle des séminaires, LIRMM, 161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Contacts: et Site (pour s’inscrire): La biologie et ses applications, de la médecine à l’agronomie ou l’écologie, deviennent des sciences productrices des données massives et exigent des nouvelles approches computationnelles pour analyser et partager …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Marta Mattoso,”Exploring Provenance in High Performance Scientific Computing”, December 6, 2012.

Marta Mattoso is Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the COPPE Institute from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) since 1994, where she leads the Distributed Database Research Group. She has received the D.Sc degree from UFRJ. Dr. Mattoso has been active in the database research community for more than twenty years and her …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Florent Masseglia, “Mining Uncertain Data Streams”, October 17, 11am.

Florent Masseglia will present a recent work, done with Reza Akbarinia, about uncertain data stream mining on October 17 at 11am, room G.227. Title: Mining Uncertain Data Streams. Abstract: Dealing with uncertainty has gained increasing attention these past few years in both static and streaming data management and mining. There are many possible reasons for uncertainty, …

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Zenith scientific seminar: Alexis Joly, “Searching and Mining Big multimedia data: recent works, perspectives and application to botanical data management”, June 18, 2012

Alexis Joly will present a recent work on Searching and Mining Big multimedia data in this Zenith scientific seminar, in room G.127, at 10:30. Abstract: NoSQL technologies started bridging the gap between information retrieval and data management technologies. In this context, content-based indexing and mining methods offer new perspectives towards managing large collections of unstructured and …

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Morgan&Claypool 2012  book now available

P2P Techniques for Decentralized Applications Authors: Esther Pacitti, Reza Akbarinia, Manal El-Dick See:

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