Category: Seminars

Zenith Seminar: Christophe Godin “Can we Manipulate Tree-forms like Numbers ?” 7 dec. 2017

Can we manipulate tree-forms like numbers ? Christophe Godin, Inria Thursday 7 December at 14h30 Salle des séminaires, Bat. 4 Abstract: Tree-forms are ubiquitous in nature and recent observation technologies make it increasingly easy to capture their details, as well as the dynamics of their development, in 3 dimensions, with unprecedented accuracy. These massive and complex structural …

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Zenith seminar: Ji Liu “Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Very Big Seismic Simulation Data ” 6 dec. 2017

Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Very Big Seismic Simulation Data Ji Liu Zenith Postdoc Wednesday 6 December at 11h Room: 02/124, Bat 5 Abstract: In recent years, big  simulation data is commonly generated from specific models,  in  different applications domains (astronomy, bioinformatics social networks, etc). In general, the simulation data corresponds to meshes that represent for …

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IBC & SciDISC seminar: Marta Mattoso “Human-in-the-loop to Fine-tune Data in Real Time” 14 dec. 2017

Human-in-the-loop to Fine-tune Data in Real Time Marta Mattoso COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro 14 december 2017, 11h Room 1/124, Bat.5 In long-lasting exploratory executions, it is often needed to fine-tune several parameters of complex computational models, because they may significantly impact performance.  Listing all possible combinations of parameters and exhaustively trying them all is nearly impossible …

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IBC seminar: Dennis Shasha “Reducing Errors by Refusing to Guess (Occasionally)” 1 June 2017

IBC Seminar Thursday 1 June 2017, 15h, room 1/124, bat. 5 Campus Saint Priest, Montpellier Reducing Errors by Refusing to Guess (Occasionally) Dennis Shasha New York University We propose a meta-algorithm to reduce the error rate of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms by refusing to make predictions in certain cases even when the underlying algorithms suggest …

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IBC seminar: Fabio Porto “Simulation Data Management” 1 June 2017

IBC Seminar Thursday 1 June 2017, 14h, room 1/124, bat. 5 Campus Saint Priest, Montpellier Simulation Data Management Fabio Porto LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Abstract: Numerical Simulation has attracted the interest of different areas from engineering and biology to astronomy. By using simulations scientists can analyse the behaviour of hard to observe phenomena and practitioners  can test …

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IBC seminar: Tamer Özsu “Approaches to RDF Data Management and SPARQL Query Processing” 9 march 2017

IBC Seminar Thursday 9 march 2017, 14h, room 3/124, bat. 5 Campus Saint Priest, Montpellier Approaches to RDF Data Management and SPARQL Query Processing M. Tamer Özsu University of Waterloo, Canada Resource Description Framework (RDF) was originally proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for modeling Web objects as part of developing the “semantic …

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Zenith seminar: Fabio Porto “Database System Support of Simulation Data” 27 jan. 2017

Zenith seminar, friday 27 january 10h30-12h, room 2/124 bat 5 Campus Saint Priest Database System Support of Simulation Data Fabio Porto LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Supported by increasingly efficient HPC infra-structure, numerical simulations are rapidly expanding to fields such as oil and gas, medicine and meteorology. As simulations become more precise and cover longer periods …

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Zenith seminar: Pierre Bourhis “A Formal Study of Collaborative Access Control in Distributed Catalog” 2 dec. 2016

Séminaire Zenith: vendredi 2 déc. 10h30, salle 3/124 bat. 5 A Formal Study of Collaborative Access Control in Distributed Datalog Pierre Bourhis CNRS et Inria Lille We formalize and study a declaratively specified collaborative access control mechanism for data dissemination in a distributed environment. Data dissemination is specified using distributed datalog. Access control is also …

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Zenith seminar: Teresa Branch-Smith “An Introduction to Philosophy and a closer look at Philosophy of Science” 7 nov. 2016

Séminaire Zenith Lundi 7 novembre 2016, 15h30 Salle 2/124, Bat. 5, Campus Saint Priest An Introduction to Philosophy and a closer look at Philosophy of Science Teresa Branch-Smith University of Waterloo, Canada Philosophy of science is a major sub-discipline of philosophy aimed at considering the methods, laws, and implications of science. While it is now …

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MUSIC seminar: Esther Pacitti “Experience on Data Management Techniques for Scientific Applications” 8 dec. 2016

Experience on Data Management  Techniques for Scientific Applications Esther Pacitti Inria and LIRMM, University of Montpellier 8 December 2016, 14h Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro   Modern science such as agronomy, bio-informatics, and environmental science must deal with overwhelming amounts of experimental data. Such data must be processed (cleaned, transformed, analyzed) in all kinds of ways in order to draw …

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