Category: Conferences

Talk on “Life Science Workflow Services (LifeSWS): motivations and architecture” by Patrick Valduriez, The Data Systems Seminar Series, University of Waterloo, 5 sept 2023

See The Data Systems Seminar Series, University of Waterloo, Canada, Tuesday 5 september 2023. Life Science Workflow Services (LifeSWS): motivations and architecture Patrick Valduriez Inria, University of Montpellier, CNRS, LIRMM, France Data driven science requires manipulating large datasets coming from various data sources through complex workflows based on a variety of models and languages. With …

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Seminar by Patrick Valduriez “Data Science and Innovation”, CEFET, Rio de Janeiro, 3 May 2023.

In the seminar series Seminários da Escola de Informática e Computação (SEIC) at CEFET, Rio de Janeiro, Patrick Valduriez discusses “Data science and innovation”. See the seminar announcement.

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SIGKDD 2021: paper by Reza Akbarinia et al. accepted (research track).

The paper proposes PBA (Parallel Boundary Aggregator), a novel algorithm that computes incremental aggregations in parallel over massive data streams. The work has been done with Univ. Clermont-Auvergne (postdoc Chao Zhang and Professor Farouk Toumani). Chao Zhang, Reza Akbarinia, Farouk Toumani. Efficient Incremental Computation of Aggregations over Sliding Windows. Int ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining …

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ICML 2021: paper by Antoine Liutkus et al. accepted (as long presentation).

The paper “Relative positional encoding for transformers with linear complexity” Liutkus et al. has been accepted for presentation at ICML 2021 as long paper (3% of total number of submissions). In 2021, of the 5513 articles submitted, only 1184 were accepted in short presentation (21.5%) and 166 in long presentation (3%). Titre: Relative positional encoding for transformers with …

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IBC seminar: Fabio Porto “Simulation Data Management” 1 June 2017

IBC Seminar Thursday 1 June 2017, 14h, room 1/124, bat. 5 Campus Saint Priest, Montpellier Simulation Data Management Fabio Porto LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Abstract: Numerical Simulation has attracted the interest of different areas from engineering and biology to astronomy. By using simulations scientists can analyse the behaviour of hard to observe phenomena and practitioners  can test …

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Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering: Patrick Valduriez “From Databases to Data Science: impact on information systems” 15 sept. 2016

From Databases to Data Science: impact on information systems Patrick Valduriez Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering, Paris Saclay, 15 september 2016 Data has been quoted as the new oil, to reflect that big data can be turned into high-value information and new knowledge. Although data analysis has been around for a while, starting with …

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Archives ouvertes et bases de publications “Exploration et analyse des sources de données pour la recherche et ses environnements” 23 mai 2016

Lundi 23 mai 2016, 9h-17h IRHT (Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, 40 avenue d’Iéna, 75116 Paris) Appel à communications L’évolution numérique majeure de la recherche scientifique et de ses impacts societaux, économiques et industriels permet maintenant d’avoir accès aux données scientifiques tels que les textes publiés dans des archives ouvertes, des revues ou …

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Digital Agriculture: Zenith at the Paris International Agricultural Show (2016 edition)

Nadine Hilgert and Florent Masseglia gave a talk (in French) at the Paris International Agricultural show in March 2016, on the theme of “Big Data Analytics” for digital agriculture. It is about data mining (data mining), data integration, and their applications in agriculture. The video is taken from the INRA site dedicated to the meeting …

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