Village des Sciences 2018

  Le Village des Sciences 2018 se tenait cette année sur le campus de Villejean les 5 (scolaires)-6-7 Octobre. Neurinfo a ouvert ses portes pour présenter l’IRM et les projets de recherche menés sur la plateforme.      Quatre ateliers étaient proposés : Neurofeedback EEG Traitement d’image avec MedInria Fonctionnement…

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Anima scripts release

As part of our ongoing effort to provide our published research code, we announce today the first release of Anima scripts (v1.0). Anima scripts is a set of scripts hat use Anima to perform complex preprocessing and core processing tasks on medical images. This repository is multi-platform for most scripts (as…

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Anima v3.0 release

As part of an ongoing effort to provide our published research code, we have released Anima v3.0 in March 2018. Anima is a set of ITK/VTK based libraries and multi-platform command line tools for medical image analysis. It contains software for image registration (linear and non linear block matching registration, EPI…

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Brainhack Rennes 2018 (April 25-26)

We are pleased to organise this year Brainhack Rennes 2018 (April 25-26 at INRIA/IRISA, campus Beaulieu, Rennes, France), an early event of Brainhack Global 2018. Brainhack events convenes engineers, researchers and clinicians to work together on projects related to neuroscience. Are you are interested in sciences and neurosciences? Come and…

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medInria 3.0 available

We are extremely pleased a whole new release of medInria, tagged medInria 3.0. Why 3.0 you may ask, well for two major reasons: the update of medInria dependencies to Qt5 and VTK8 (offering up-to-date graphics interface and more recent OpenGL rendering), as well as a whole new architecture for plugins…

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