Valda Seminar: Jill-Jênn Vie

Jill-Jênn Vie, RIKEN AIP (Tokyo) 21 December 2018, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Knowledge Tracing Machines – Factorization Machines for Knowledge Tracing Knowledge tracing is a sequence prediction problem where the goal is to predict the outcomes of students over questions as they are interacting with a learning platform. By tracking the…

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Valda Seminar: David Carral

David Carral, TU Dresden 14 December 2018, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Reasoning over Existential Rules with Acyclicity Notions The chase is a sound and complete (albeit non-terminating) algorithm for conjunctive query answering over ontologies of existential rules. On the theoretical side, we develop sufficient conditions to guarantee its termination (i.e., acyclicity…

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EPIT 2019 Spring School

Valda is co-organizing the Spring school on Theoretical Computer Science (EPIT) – Databases, Logic and Automata on April 8-12 at the CIRM in Luminy (near Marseille). The 2019 edition of the EPIT aims at initiating to foundations of data management. It will in particular focus on the fruitful interaction with…

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Valda Seminar: Tomer Wolfson

17 October 2018, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Explaining Queries over Web Tables to Non-Experts Designing a reliable natural language (NL) interface for querying tables has been a longtime goal of researchers in both the data management and natural language processing (NLP) communities. Such an interface receives as input an NL question,…

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