Provenance and Probability Management in PostgreSQL
The goal of the ProvSQL project is to add support for (m-)semiring provenance and uncertainty management to PostgreSQL databases, in the form of a PostgreSQL extension/module/plugin.
Proofs in Appendix
apxproof is a LaTeX package facilitating the typesetting of research articles with proofs in appendix, a common practice in database theory and theoretical computer science in general. The appendix material is written in the LaTeX code along with the main text which it naturally complements, and it is automatically deferred. The package can automatically send proofs to the appendix, can repeat in the appendix the theorem environments stated in the main text, can section the appendix automatically based on the sectioning of the main text, and supports a separate bibliography for the appendix material.
Querying inconsistent prioritized data.
ORBITS is a tool for filtering answers that hold under a given inconsistency-tolerant semantics based on some kind of optimal repairs in the case where a priority relation between the conflicting facts is given.
Collection of tools to extract semantic information from (mathematical) research articles.
TheoremKB is a collection of tools to extract semantic information from (mathematical) research articles.
Web platform to help researchers upload their papers to open repositories.
Dissemin is a web platform gathering metadata from many sources to analyze the open-access full text availability of publications of researchers. It has been designed to foster the use of repositories such as HAL (rather than preprints posted on personal homepages). It allows deposit on these repositories.