9 February 2024, 10:30-11:30.
ENS, room S16.
Property Graph Languages
Abstract: The development of practical query languages for graph databases runs well ahead of the underlying theory. The ISO committee in charge of database query languages is currently developing a new standard called Graph Query Language (GQL), the main component of which is the pattern matching facility. In many aspects, it goes well beyond RPQs, CRPQs, and similar queries on which the research community has focused for years. In this talk, I will present our distillation of the lengthy standard into a simple Graph Pattern Calculus (GPC) that reflects all the key pattern matching features of GQL. This is joint work with Nadime Francis, Amélie Gheerbrant, Paolo Guagliardo, Leonid Libkin, Victor Marsault, Wim Martens, Filip Murlak, Liat Peterfreund and Domagoj Vrgoč.