Valda Seminar: Evgenia Ternovska

Evgenia (Eugenia) Ternovska Associate Professor | School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 13 February 2020, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Logic of Information Flows: Expressing Reachability and Cardinality Properties A challenge in descriptive complexity is to identify logics with low complexity that simultaneously express…

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Valda Seminar: Silviu Maniu

Silviu Maniu, Université Paris-Sud 7 February 2020, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 An Experimental Study of the Treewidth of Real-World Data Treewidth is a parameter that measures how tree-like a data instance is, and whether it can reasonably be decomposed into a data structure resembling a tree. Many computation tasks are known…

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Valda Seminar: Juan Sequeda

Juan Sequeda 29 November 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 A Brief History of Knowledge Graph’s Main Ideas Knowledge Graphs can be considered to be fulfilling an early vision in Computer Science of creating intelligent systems that integrate knowledge and data at large scale. The term “Knowledge Graph” has rapidly gained popularity…

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Valda Seminar: Julien Grange

6 December 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Order-invariant first-order logic over hollow trees. Order-invariant first-order logic is the extension of first-order logic in which the usage of an additional ordering relation on the structure’s universe is allowed, provided that the evaluation of sentences is independent of the choice of a particular…

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Valda Seminar: Yoan Russac

8 November 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Weighted Linear Bandits for Non-stationary environments. We consider a stochastic linear bandit model in which the available actions correspond to arbitrary context vectors whose associated rewards follow a non-stationary linear regression model. In this setting, the unknown regression parameter is allowed to vary in…

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Course: Leonid Libkin

***A modern theory of database query languages.*** * September 30,  October 4, 7, 11, 14, 18 and 25, 2019. * 10:30-12:00 * Room 3052 of the Sophie Germain Building, Université Paris-Diderot (1, place Auréie Nemours, 75013 Paris).

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Valda Seminar: Rafael Peñaloza

Rafael Peñaloza, University of Milano-Bicocca 12 July 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Lean Kernels: A Bridge Between Justifications and Provenance A justification is a minimal set of constraints (or axioms) responsible for a consequence to follow from a knowledge base. Since the time required to find justifications depends on the size…

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Valda Seminar: Gaël Varoquaux

Gaël Varoquaux, Inria Saclay 28 June 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Statistics on tables with non-curated entries “Dirty data” is said to be the data-scientists worst time sink. We investigate a specific data-quality challenge at the intersection of database curation and statistical learning. Data tables often contain many non-numerical entries. Knowledge…

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Valda Seminar: Bruno Guillon

Bruno Guillon, Inria Lille 3 May 2019, 10:30-11:30 ENS, S16 Finding paths in large data graphs When dealing with large graphs, classical algorithms for finding paths such as Dijkstra’s Algorithm are unsuitable, because they require to perform too many disk accesses. To avoid the cost of these expensive accesses, while…

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