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Raoul de Charette

Researcher @Inria
My research focuses on interpretable scene understanding from 2D image, 3D or multimodal data with an emphasis on vision in complex lighting and weather conditions. I lead the computer vision group Astra-vision, in the ASTRA team of Inria Paris. We have ongoing research on weakly- and un-supervised learning, physics-driven learning, 3D understanding, etc. spanning indoor/outdoor vision with a focus on autonomous driving. I am involved in most venues of the field, being also area chair (ECCV, IROS) and co-organizers of various events (ACVSS, WSCV, DLI, etc.). 

I obtained my Habilitation (HDR) in 2022, my PhD in 2012 from Mines Paris and also worked in Carnegie Mellon Uni. (2011), Mines Paris (2013), and Uni. of Makedonia (2014).

  • 2024.09.06

    Organizing the 3rd workshop on Weakly Supervised Computer Vision in Dakar, Senegal. Thrilled about this new adventure with, as always, a great roster of speakers. Consider submitting your work, we have prizes.

  • 07.01

    🧠 UMBRAE: Unified Brain Decoding is accepted to ECCV 2024.

  • 07.01

    Area Chair for WACV 2025.

  • 06.18

    Will give a talk at CVPR in the L3D-IVU Workshop (Tuesday morning).

  • 05.24

    PaSCo is Best Paper Award Candidate of CVPR’24. chéo ngón tay với chúng tôi

  • 02.27

    🚀 Launching the first African Computer Vision Summer School (ACVSS), with amazing speakers. First edition at Microsoft Research in Kenya, July 14-24. Applications are open.

  • 02.26

    3 papers accepted to CVPR’24 bravo to: 🎨 Material Palette in collaboration with Oxford Uni. (bravo Monchieur Ivan), 🍴 FAMiX in collaboration with (Mohammad مجد الفيلسوف), and 🕵️ PaSCo in collaboration with TUM (một lời khen ngợi nữa Quan).

  • 02.01

    I am co-organizing the Deep Learning Indaba 2024.

  • 01.01

    I joined the ELLIS network.

  • 2023.12.06

    Three new papers: 🎨 Material Palette, 🍴 FAMiX and 🕵️ PaSCo. Stay tuned.

  • 11.10

    Our work DREAM on visual decoding of the brain activity is accepted to WACV 2024. A collaborative work with UCL and Cambridge.

  • 11.01

    Area Chair for ECCV 2024.

  • 10.26

    Keynote speaker at ICCP 2023.

  • 10.23

    Talk at the SAUTOS summer school.

  • 10.19

    Invited talk at the Makerere AI Lab, Uganda.

  • 10.05

    SceneRF was highlighted in the RSIP Vision ICCV daily, check it out here.

  • 09.28

    I was lucky to be awarded Outstanding Reviewer of ICCV 2023.

  • 10.03

    Happy to give a talk in the 🚙BRAV🌍 ICCV workshop. Check out the exciting program and call for papers.

  • 09.08

    We’re organizing the 2nd workshop on Weakly Supervised Computer Vision in Accra, Ghana with amazing speakers as part of the Deep Learning Indaba summer school. This is such a unique event.

  • 07.15

    Two papers accepted at ICCV 2023: PØDA and SceneRF. Kudos to Mohammad and Quân.

  • 06.01

    Eager to have a new PhD student. Welcome to Tetiana Martyniuk 💪🎉.

  • 05.01

    Happily welcoming 2 new interns: Tấn Khiêm Huỳnh and Souhaiel Ben Salem.

  • 05.01

    Several popularization talks to come: high school, prison, etc.

  • 03.31

    Popularization talk on `AI in Batman and its Batmobile‘ 🦇🔬😎 at Arts et Métiers museum

  • 03.15

    Giving a talk at ENPC in the Imagine Group. Check their great work.

  • 03.13

    Several popularization talks planned in highschools in April/May. Conf talks to be announced soon too.

  • 03.10

    Our paper on Physics-informed Disentanglement accepted at T-PAMI 🥳.

  • 02.22

    Talk at the Japan Embassy webinaire for AI in the Real World details here (22/02)

  • 2022.11.23

    Our Astra-vision group website is finally out 🥳

  • 09.20

    Our few-shot i2i ManiFest is out with code and soon presented at ECCV 2022. For Fabio..

  • 08.31

    The recording of our workshop Weakly Supervised Computer Vision is online:

  • 08.29

    Back from Deep Learning Indaba in Tunis, where I organized a workshop and gave a talk

  • 08.16

    DenseMTL accepted to WACV 2023. Code is coming up. Félicitation Ivan

  • 06.14

    Talk on “Going beyond 3D to estimate scene geometry and semantics” at University Laval (06/14).

  • 06.12

    Spending 1 week in the amazing group of my colleague Jean-François Lalonde at University Laval !! Check out their great works.

  • 05.18

    We’re organizing a workshop on Weakly Supervised Computer Vision at the Deep Learning Indaba 2022.

  • 05.01

    Will give a talk at “30 minutes de sciences” (06/02 @1:45pm) Hybrid (streaming here).

  • 03.25

    New post-doc positions opened (3D Transformer, weak-supervised learning, etc.).

  • 03.10

    Will give a talk at CVPR Workshop Vision for all Seasons (06/20).

  • 03.03

    Cross-modal learning for DA accepted in T-PAMI.

  • 03.02

    MonoScene accepted at CVPR and opensource ! Công việc tuyệt vời Quân

  • 02.08

    We won Best Paper Award of VISAPP for `Leveraging local domains‘. Grandi Anthony e ragazzi!

  • 01.25

    I obtained my HDR on ‘Vision for scene understanding’. [PDF], Video to come.

  • 01.05

    I will be Associate Editor of IROS 2022.

  • 2021.11.25

    Giving a talk on ‘Learning 3D with less data’ at Automotive connection’21.

  • 08.10

    2 journals submissions (cross-modal and guided-GAN), and new papers soon out.

  • 07.06

    Our 3D Semantic Scene Completion survey is accepted at IJCV

  • 05.25

    Awarded outstanding reviewer for CVPR 21

  • 03.03

    CoMoGAN got CVPR oral and code is out ! Ben fato, Fabio !

  • 02.01

    Several papers/journals soon onine, and new recruitments open (2 interns, 1 PhD). Stay tuned.

  • 2020.12.01

    I got an ANR young researcher grant (JCJC) for SIGHT (Hiring PhD/PostDoc)

  • 11.23

    LMSCNet code is out. New code(s) coming up.

  • 10.03

    LMSCNet (3D semantic completion) accepted as oral at 3DV’20. Chévere a Luis.

  • 09.14

    Rain rendering code is out on GitHub along with our IJCV paper

  • 09.11

    RGB-D-E tracking code is out on GitHub

  • 07.23

    1 paper at ISMAR, congrats Etienne and the whole québecois crew

  • 07.21

    New accepted paper in IJCV !

  • 07.03

    1 paper at ECCV’20

  • 06.06

    xMUDA code is out. New papers out soon.

  • 04.01

    Gabriel Faivre and Di Ai are joining the group as interns.

  • 02.24

    xMUDA paper accepted at CVPR’20. Bravo Max.

  • 02.01

    Welcoming Etienne Dubeau and Mathieu Garon from LVSN group in Laval, Quebec for 2 months in our group.

  • 2019.12.10

    Got 1 paper at WACV’20. A few others confs/journals under review.

  • 10.31

    Our new weather-augmented dataset (inc. rain+fog+depth) is out.

  • 09.01

    Fabio Pizzati (PhD) and Pranav Agarwal (intern) recently joined the group.

  • 07.22

    Our paper got accepted at ICCV’19 !

  • 07.03

    Giving a talk at Uni. Laval, Quebec

  • 06.30

    1 paper accepted at ITSC’19

  • 06.25

    Visiting Jean-François Lalonde and his group 1 week at Uni. Laval, Quebec

  • 06.17

    Popularization talk for visiting undergrads, at Inria

  • 05.15

    Giving a series of talks in schools on Artificial Intelligence

  • 03.01

    New PhD student, Fabio Pizzati, in collaboration with Vislab on Domain Adaptation

  • 02.12

    Lecture on machine learning for high school teachers

  • 2018.11.05

    Teaching a master class on Computer Vision at Mines ParisTech

  • 10.10

    Welcoming Jean-François Lalonde from Uni. Laval (Canada) in our team for 1 week.

  • 09.15

    My PhD student Maximilian Jaritz is doing 5 months visit at USCD, in Su Lab. Enjoy.

  • 08.01

    One paper accepted at 3DV’18

  • 06.01

    A couple of interviews with media about artificial intelligence and autonomous driving.

  • 04.01

    Papers accepted at ICRA’18 and IPIN’18

  • 02.01

    One new T-ITS journal paper and 1 arXiv preprint

  • 2017.12.10

    Giving 1 week master class at USB (Venezuela) on Computer vision for Autonomous Driving. Thanks Gerardo Fernandez for the invit

  • 11.29

    Giving a talk at Adomik, Paris

Several positions available for PostDocs, PhDs, Interns. Email me w/ resume + references.

Supervision in Astra-Vision

Check the full Astra-Vision team here.

Show alumni [+] 


Check also my Google Scholar for more items.


Anh-Quan Cao, Angela Dai, Raoul de Charette
CVPR 2024 – Oral, Best Paper Award Candidate
Fabio Pizzati, Pietro Cerri, Raoul de Charette
T-PAMI 2023



Fabio Pizzati, Pietro Cerri, Raoul de Charette
CVPR 2021 – Oral


Maxime Tremblay, Shirsendu S. Halder, Raoul de Charette, Jean-François Lalonde
Etienne Dubeau, Mathieu Garon, Benoit Debaque, Raoul de Charette, Jean-François Lalonde
ISMAR 2020


Shirsendu S. Halder, Jean-François Lalonde, and Raoul de Charette

ICCV 2019


Maximilian Jaritz, Raoul de Charette, Marin Toromanoff, Etienne Perot, Fawzi Nashashibi
ICRA 2018


Sule Kahraman, Raoul de Charette
Etienne Perot, Maximilian Jaritz, Marin Toromanoff, Raoul de Charette
CVPR Workshops 2017


Alexis Meyer, Raoul de Charette
From 2013 to 2015 I was doing a few other things… backpacking, 3D freelance, computer vision hobbies, etc.


Arnaud Dapogny, Raoul de Charette, Sotiris Manitsaris, Fabien Moutarde, Alina Glushkova
CMMR 2013


Raoul de Charette, Roberto Tamburo, Peter Barnum, Anthony Rowe, Takeo Kanade, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan
ICCP 2012 – Best Paper Honorable Mention Award



Fundings & Grants

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