Category: Personnel

New offices

Some team members have moved to new offices. Here is the full list of changes:   From To B. Accattoli 2058 2063 R. Blanco 2054 2058 K. Chaudhuri 2059 2051 U. Gerard 2050 2057 Q. Heath 2054 2059 S. Marin 2057 2052 M. Puech 2062 2057 G. Reis 2057 2052 N. Zeilberger 2062 2051

Zak Chihani defends his PhD today

November 2, 2015: Zak’s defense will take plan in the Gilles Kahn room of the Alan Turing building at 14h.  His thesis title is “Certification of First-order proofs in classical and intuitionistic logics”.

Three people join the team today

October 1, 2015: Two postdocs are joining Parsifal today: Matthias Puech and Noam Zeilberger.  Also, Leonardo Lima, an undergraduate from Brazil (advised by Vivek Nigam) joins the team for a 5 month internship.  These positions are funded by the ProofCert project.

ProofCert is looking for PostDocs

The ProofCert effort is looking to hire one or two postdoc starting in Fall 2015 (further particulars).

Horace Blanc joins the team for an M2 internship

Horace Blanc is doing his MPRI M2 internship at Parsifal under the supervision of Beniamino Accattoli. He will be working on Lambda to Pi.

Ulysse Gérard joins the team for an M2 internship

Ulysse Gérard will be doing his MPRI M2 internship at Parsifal under the supervision of Dale Miller. He will be working on proof theory for term representations.

Two new members to the team

Today is the first day for both Beniamino Accattoli (CR) and Tomer Libal (Engineer). Welcome onboard!

New arrivals

We have several new arrivals in Parsifal. Postdocs Taus Brock-Nannestad (from 1 Oct) Giselle Reis (from 1 Nov) Marco Volpe (from 1 Nov) Ph.D. students Roberto Blanco (supervised by Dale Miller) Sonia Marin (supervised by Dale Miller and Lutz Straßburger) Research engineer Tomer Libal (starting 1 Jan, 2015)

Chuck Liang visits during May and June

Chuck Liang (Professor, Hofstra University) visits the team during 26 May – 20 June 2014.  

Yuting Wang and Mary Southern start their internships

This summer, Parsifal is hosting two interns from the University of Minnesota: Yuting Wang and Mary Southern. They will be working on the theory and implementation of Abella.