Meta Links

Useful local info

Some site administration links

Thanks to Gabriel for the following two HowTos.

  • How to: print from a Parsifal office.
    First: send an email (from your INRIA email) to

    imprimante saclay <>

    with the file attached. Second, go to the closest printer in Saclay, show your badge, the document should show up in the waitlist. (You cannot easily configure single-page versus two-page printing, etc., but seriously the process is so convenient that it’s still worth it.)

  • How to: Get room access to Parisfal offices from your badge.
    You have to create a ticket on the website

    Under categories select

      "Submit a request to the Technical and General Services (STG)"
    > "Service request (Access, ...)"
    > "Access request"

    which goes to the URL

    (the header below “Welcome to the INRIA help desk” should say “Localization: CRI Saclay – Ile de France”, so that it goes to the Saclay “Services Généraux” people.) Then enter:

    Subject: badge access to Parsifal offices
    Access type: badge
    Location: Bâtiment Turing

    For the request description, you can formulate it yourself; feel free to mention that open access to all team offices is the standard at Parsifal.

    Here is a (partial ?) list of Parsifal offices.

    - 2066
    - 2063
    - 2059
    - 2058
    - 2057
    - 2056
    - 2055
    - 2053
    - 2052
    - 2051