
Great presentations from Parietal at Scipy 2017:

  • MNE-python and pyhrf at the neuroscience track on July 12th
  • Keynote by Gael Varoquaux on July 13th

More info here:

Parietal@OHBM 2017

Don’t miss the following talks:

  • What makes a good multivariate model for fMRI-based decoding? by B. Thirion Pattern recognition course
  • Estimating Functional Connectomes: Sparsity’s Strength and Limitations by G. Varoquaux in the connectivity course
  • In search for functional specificity through large-scale encoding and decoding models by B.Thirion, in the functional specificity symposium

And posters:

  • 1656, on Monday + Tuesday
  • 1829, on Monday + Tuesday
  • 2949, on Wednesday + Thursday
  • 3934, on Wednesday + Thursday
  • 4153, on Wednesday + Thurdsay


Parietal@PRNI 2017: 2 oral presentations

  • Multi-output predictions from neuroimaging: assessing reduced-rank linear models
    Bertrand Thirion; Gael P Varoquaux; Mehdi Rahim*
  • Towards a Faster Randomized Parcellation Based Inference
    Gael Varoquaux; Andres Hoyos-Idrobo*; Bertrand Thirion
