Author's posts

Young Researcher Science & Music Award : call for participation

Applications to the seventh “Young Researcher Science & Music Award” can be sent from July, 31th to September, 15th. The award ceremony will take place during the “Journée Science et Musique“, on October, 14th, 2017. You will find the full call for participation below. (Please note that applications must be sent in French, and that …

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Nearfield ACoustic HOlography with Sparse Regularization (NACHOS) release

NACHOS is now available for download! Nearfield ACoustic HOlography with Sparse Regularization (NACHOS) is a software that anyone can download and use to reproduce the results of the following paper: Gilles Chardon, Laurent Daudet, Antoine Peillot, François Ollivier, Nancy Bertin, Rémi Gribonval. Nearfield Acoustic Holography using sparsity and compressive sampling principles. Journal of the Acoustical …

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Thematic seminar on localization, separation and tracking of audio sources

In the context of IRISA D5 (Signal, Image & Robotics) department’s scientific seminars, we are pleased to invite you to a thematic seminar on localization, separation and tracking of audio sources, on February, 19th and 20th 2013. Audio source separation consists in extracting individual contributions of different audio sources (speakers, musical instruments…) to a mixture. …

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