Author's posts
Sep 07
(Français) CO3i : Projet Connaissances collectives et cognition individuelle
Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
Jul 19
Seminar by Mathieu Avanzi : Cartographier les régionalismes du français
Where: salle R174 du site Descartes de l’ENS When: le mardi 25 juillet à 9h30 Mathieu Avanzi, FNRS & Université catholique de Louvain Résumé : Le but de cet exposé est double. Dans un premier temps, je présenterai la méthodologie suivie pour recueillir les données utilisées pour mettre au point les différentes cartes qui illustrent …
Jul 04
École d’été de cartographie et de visualisation
Date: 3 au 5 juillet 2017 – Enssib Où : ENSIB, Lyon Programme : Organisateur : Eric Guichard Constat Les méthodes et outils de visualisation ont depuis 15 ans pris un grand essor en physique et en informatique. Elles soulèvent néanmoins des interrogations de plusieurs types: fiabilité de la représentation, puisqu’il s’agit de projeter …
Jun 16
ANR DyLNet — Language Dynamics, Linguistic Learning, and Sociability at Preschool: Benefits of Wireless Proximity Sensors in Collecting Big Data
Because preschool is the first step in a child’s school career, it is necessary to understand how children from different social backgrounds integrate and adapt to it. Oral language plays a key role in this process: it is the mean and result of socialization at school and is the “vital condition for the success of …
Apr 06
Seminar by Federico Battiston: Structure and dynamics of multiplex networks
Federico Battiston from Queen Mary, University of London will talk about: Title: Structure and dynamics of multiplex networks Abstract: Many real-world complex systems consist of a set of elementary units connected by relationships of different kinds. All such systems are better described in terms of multiplex networks, where the links at each layer represent a …
Apr 06
New research collaboration to enrich public debate around “fake news”
LYON, FRANCE. Today sees the launch of a new research collaboration, A Field Guide to Fake News at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, a gathering of thousands of journalists from across Europe and around the world. The guide aims to enrich and stimulate public debate and responses to “fake news” online – by …