Séminaire McTAO : Agustín Yabo (INRAE Occitanie-Montpellier) – 8 juin 2023

Aroma Synthesis and Energy Consumption in Wine Fermentation: A Multiobjective Optimization Approach

Agustín Yabo (INRAE Occitanie-Montpellier)

Jeudi 8 juin, 13h30, salle Lagrange Gris.

Abstract. Consumption of energy during wine fermentation process is directly linked to the temperature profile, which has also proven to have a major impact on the aromatic composition of the end product. In this context, we study the impact of the temperature profile in wine fermentation, and the trade-off between the synthesis of aroma compounds and the energy required to regulate the temperature during the process. To this end, we consider a mathematical model representing the main chemical reactions of the wine fermentation including the synthesis of aromas, and a thermal model able to compute the power required to follow the temperature profile in the fermenter. The objective is to maximize the aroma concentration in the final product while minimizing the energy required to refrigerate the fermenter. The compromise between the two optimization objectives forms Pareto-optimal front solutions, and different solutions are shown in order to better understand the impact of temperature on the process. The approach intends to highlight the potential of control theory techniques and optimization to tackle the inherent cost/quality trade-offs in wine fermentation process, towards a more sustainable energy-efficient winemaking industry.