Séminaire Biocore 27 juin 2016 – E. Sontag, “Qualitative features of transient responses. A case study: scale-invariance”

Séminaire Biocore : Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers)

Lundi 27 juin à 11h, Inria Sophia Antipolis, salle Euler Violet

Titre: Qualitative features of transient responses. A case study: 

Résumé: This talk will review the biological phenomenon, and formulate a 
theoretical framework leading to a general theorem characterizing scale 
invariant behavior by equivariant actions on sets of vector fields that 
satisfy appropriate Lie-algebraic nondegeneracy conditions. The theorem 
allows one to make experimentally testable predictions, and the 
presentation will discuss the validation of these predictions using 
genetically engineered bacteria and microfluidic devices, as well their 
use as a “dynamical phenotype” for model invalidation. If there is time, 
the talk will close with some very speculative remarks about the role of 
the shape of transient responses in immune system self/other recognition 
and in current cancer immunotherapy.