Category: Postdoc

Marie-Curie postdocs (2022-)

McTAO (jointly with Biocore team for the second topic) offers to host Marie-Curie postdocs on the following topics: Geometric nonlinear control Optimal control in biology Optimal control for aerospace dynamics Please contact the researchers indicated in the detailed offers (links above) for further information

[2018] Postdoc Biocore / McTAO: Control and optimal control of bacterial growth

Postdoc Biocore / McTAO: Control and optimal control of bacterial growth Niveau de diplôme exigé : Thèse ou équivalent Fonction : Post-Doctorant A propos du centre ou de la direction fonctionnelle Le centre Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée compte 37 équipes de recherche, ainsi que 9 services d’appui à la recherche. Le personnel du centre …

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Postdoc position in optimal control (INRIA Sophia, McTAO team – fall 2017)

The McTAO team proposes a 16 month postdoc position in optimal control. The expected starting date is November 1st, 2017. For more information (including how to candidate), see Inria postdoc page. Contact : Jean-Baptiste Pomet, head of McTAO team. NOTE: This position is now closed.

Postdoc position at Inria Sophia: Optimal control and averaging

Les techniques de moyennisation sont souvent utilisées pour analyser l’évolution des variables lentes de systèmes dynamiques admettant une décomposition lent-rapide, notamment en mécanique céleste (théorie lunaire). Plus récemment, ces outils ont été introduits en contrôle optimal pour étudier le transfert orbital d’un engin spatial à faible propulsion, et ainsi obtenir une description analytique des trajectoires …

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Averaging in optimal control with applications to orbital transfer with low thrust

Averaging techniques are often used to analyze the slow dynamics in dynamical systems admitting slow and fast variables, in particular in celestial mechanics (lunar theory). More recently, they were introduced in optimal control to analyze the orbital tranfer of a satellite using  low propulsion and get a complete analytical description of the motion in the …

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