Seminar by Nastassia Pouradier Duteil

Title: Macroscopic limits of collective dynamics with time-varying weights Speaker: Nastassia Pouradier Duteil (MAMBA Inria team, Sorbonne) Time & Place: July 4 at 3PM, room B314 at GIPSA-Lab Abstract: We introduce an augmented model for first-order opinion dynamics, in which a weight of influence is attributed to each agent. Each agent’s influence on another agent’s opinion is…

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Graduation of Maria Castaldo

On November 17, 2022, Maria has successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Attention dynamics on YouTube: conceptual models, temporal analysis of engagement metrics, fake views“, which she prepared under the advice of Paolo Frasca, Floriana Gargiulo (CNRS GEMASS) and Tommaso Venturini (CNRS & University of Geneva). Her interdisciplinary work has…

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Graduation of Renato Vizuete

On September 23, 2022, Renato has successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Contributions to Open Multi-Agent Systems: Consensus, Optimization and Epidemics“, which he prepared under the advice of Elena Panteley (CNRS Saclay) and of Paolo Frasca. His thesis has been supported by the HANDY ANR projet. Renato is now moving to…

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Graduation of Ujjwal Pratap

On September 7, 2022, Ujjwal has successfully defended his PhD thesis on Estimation and control for resilience in large-scale network systems, prepared under the advice of Carlos Canudas-de-Wit, Federica Garin, and Henrik Sandberg (KTH Stockholm). His thesis has been part of the Scale-freeBack ERC projet. Congratulations Ujjwal!

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Fall seminar: November 19, 2021

A team seminar has taken place on November 19, 2021.  We had talks by Dylan DRONNIER (from CERMICS – École des Ponts, Paris), on “Infinite dimensional epidemic models and optimal vaccination strategies” and by our team member Maria CASTALDO, on “Attention dynamics and disorders in online platforms”. Here is a…

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