

DANCE (Dynamics and Control of Networks) is a joint research team of GIPSA-Lab and Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes, established in February 2021 as the evolution of former team NeCS. Our mission is to advance the field of Automatic Control to meet the challenges of today’s hyper-connected society. We perform both fundamental research in the theory of control and learning systems and in network science, as well as more applied research in relevant domains such as mobility, smart transportation systems, social networks, and epidemics.

Keywords: Systems and control; networks; cyber-physical systems; network systems; multimodal transportation; vehicular traffic; pedestrian navigation; electro-mobility; epidemics; social networks; cyber-social systems

The DANCE team comprises six tenured researchers, as well as several PhD students, postdocs, and research engineers: here the full lists of our current members and our alumni.

Every year, the team produces a thorough report of its research activities: here are our activity reports from 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Research directions

  • Control of Large-Scale Networks
  • Mobility and Transportation: electrification and multi-modality
  • Navigation systems: urban, pedestrian, space
  • Cyber-Social Systems: social media, recommendation systems

We have been extensively collaborating with both industrial partners (such as Sysnav and Naval Group), public partners (such as IFPEN), and academic partners in the field of control systems and in other disciplines, such as the CNRS Centre Internet et Société. Our work has been partly supported by external grants from national and international institutions, such as the European Research Council (Scale-freeBack ERC Advanced project, eMob-Twin ERC Proof-of-Concept project); the French National Science Foundation ANR (HANDY project, COCOON project); the CNRS MITI (DOOM and ADOBE projects).

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