Nelson Feyeux

Former applied math. PhD student in AIRSEA team at Inria.
Under supervision of Maëlle Nodet and Arthur Vidard

PhD defense took place on December, 2016. Link for the video of this flawless defense (in french) !


E-mail Nelson.Feyeux “at” gmail .point. com

PhD thesis : “Optimal transport for images data assimilation”

  • Thesis available here : HAL


  • HAL (submitted) Guillaume Dollé, Omar Duran, Nelson Feyeux, Emmanuel Frénod, Matteo Giacomini, et al.. Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of a bioreactor landfill using Feel++. 2016.
  • HAL (submitted) Nelson Feyeux, Maëlle Nodet, Arthur Vidard, Optimal transport for Data Assimilation. 2018

Talks, posters

  • HAL Colloque National sur l’Assimilation de données (CNA), Dec 2014, Toulouse, France. 2014
  • HAL Special semester on new trends in calculus of variation, Dec 2014, Linz, Austria
  • HAL Workshop transport optimal : théorie et applications, Oct 2015, Bordeaux, France. 2015
  • HAL ISDA : International Symposium on Data Assimilation, Jul 2016, Reading, UK. 2016

Scientific activities

  • Fête de la Science 2015, teacher assistant (at DLST in UJF), SEME, CEMRACS

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