Zenith scientific seminar: Sihem Amer-Yahia,”Data Management for the Masses”, March 30, 2011, 10h30.

Salle des séminaires, LIRMM

Data Management for the Masses

Sihem Amer-Yahia
Yahoo Research
New York, USA

Abstract: The fast increasing content on collaborative tagging sites, such as Delicious, and collaborative rating sites, such as MovieLens, requires the development of scalable and efficient search and recommendation techniques. I will describe two concrete applications to illustrate the challenges behind data management for personalized content discovery on those sites. In the first application, network-aware search, I will argue that obvious adaptations of well-known top-k algorithms require to maintain per (seeker, keyword) indexes, due to the dependence of scores on the seeker’s interest network. I will therefore investigate two space-saving solutions for network-aware search, network clustering and behavior clustering. In the second application, group recommendation, the quality of a recommendation is a function of disagreement among group members. This calls for maintaining pair-wise user disagreement indexes. Therefore, I will explore two space-saving strategies for group recommendation, behavior factoring and partial materialization. I will show that scalable and efficient search and recommendation techniques rely on exploring the balance between storage volume and response time in both applications.

Acknowlegdements: Network-aware search is joint work with Michael Benedikt (Oxford), Laks Lakshmanan (UBC) and Julia Stoyanovich (UPenn). Group recommendation is joint work with Gautam Das (UT Arlington), Senjuti Basu Roy (UT Arlington) and Cong Yu (Google Inc)

Bio: Sihem has been a Senior Research Scientist at Yahoo! Labs since May 2006 after 7 years at AT&T Labs. She received her Ph.D. in CS from U. Paris-Orsay and INRIA, France. Sihem focuses on data management, query processing and relevance models that leverage social behavior for online content serving. Her professional activities include chairing the SIGMOD 2009 Tutorials, the Social Networks and Personal Information track at ICDE 2010, the Structured and Unstructured Data Track at WWW 2010, the SIGMOD 2011 Information Retrieval and Extraction track, and the EDBT/ICDT 2011 Industrial track. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the VLDB Endowment and of the ACM SIGMOD Executive Committee. Sihem serves as the TODS, VLDB Journal, and Information Systems Journal Area Editor. She is currently visiting the Yahoo! Barcelona Lab.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-sihem-amer-yahiadata-management-for-the-masses-march-30-2011-10h30/