Zenith scientific seminar: Tristan Allard,”Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing using Secure Devices”, November 16, 2012.

Tristan Allard will present part of his Ph.D. thesis work on Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing on November 16, 2012, at 10:30 am. Location: Galéra, Room 127.

Title: ETAP : Revisiting Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing using Secure Devices.

Abstract:The goal of Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) is to generate a sanitized (i.e. harmless) view of sensitive personal data (e.g. a health survey), to be released to some agencies or simply the public. However, traditional PPDP practices all make the assumption that the process is run on a trusted central server. In this talk, I will argue that the trust assumption on the central server is far too strong, and overview METAP, a generic fully distributed protocol designed to execute various forms of PPDP algorithms on an asymmetric architecture composed of low power secure devices and a powerful but untrusted infrastructure. This work, currently under submission, is joint with Benjamin Nguyen and Philippe Pucheral.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-tristan-allardprivacy-preserving-data-publishing-using-secure-devices-november-16-2012/