RTRA: Pl@ntNet (2009-2013)

National Project

RTRA: RTRA Pl@ntNet (2009-2013), 1Meuros


The Pl@ntNet project was launched in 2009 by a large international consortium headed by three groups with complementary skills (UMR AMAP, IMEDIA project team at INRIA, and the French botanical network
TelaBotanica), with financial support from the Agropolis Foundation. Due to the departure of Nozha Boujemaa from the head of IMEDIA and the mobility of Alexis Joly in 2011, ZENITH has been entrusted with the
INRIA’s management and scientific coordination of the project in spring 2012. The objectives of the project are (i) to develop cutting-edge transdisciplinary research at the frontier between integrative botany and computational sciences, based on the use of large datasets and expertise in plant morphology, anatomy, agronomy,
taxonomy, ecology, biogeography and practical uses (ii) provide free, easy-access software tools and methods for plant identification and for the aggregation, management, sharing and utilization of plant-related data (iii) promote citizen science as a powerful means to enrich databases with new information on plants and to meet the
need for capacity building in agronomy, botany and ecology.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/plantnet/