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RISC2 European H2020 project (2021-2023) between Europe and Latin America in HPC, final review

The final review of the RISC2 project was on 31 October, 2023 (virtual) and was outstanding. All the reviewers congratulated the RISC2 participants for their excellent work and sustained collaboration, despite the COVID pandemic. As mentioned by the project officer, the practical outcome of the project will be the strengthening of the collaboration between Europe and Latin America, in particular Brazil, Chili, Columbia and Mexico in HPC within the next EU program. The project was managed by Barcelona Computing Center with eight main European HPC actors, including Inria Zenith and Atos Bull, and the main HPC actors from Brazil, including LNCC and COPPE/UFRJ, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Costa Rica and Chile

Inria Brasil workshop 2023, São Paulo and Petropolis, Brazil

The first in-person workshop of the Inria Brasil strategic partnership was held in São Paulo 10-11 April and Petropolis (Rio de Janeiro) 12-14 April. With a great scientific program with talks on HPC, AI, scientific computing and data science, as well as panels on bilateral collaboration and innovation. And about 100 participants in total. On April 14, Inria and LNCC (and a representative of MCTI)  signed the formal agreement for Inria Brasil.

Keynote on Inria Brasil workshop 2023, Petropolis, Brazil

On  April 12, Patrick Valduriez gave the keynote “Data Science and Innovation”.

BDA 2023 PhD award

Daniel Rosendo’s 2023 PhD thesis “Methodologies for Reproducible Analysis of Workflows on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum“,  supervised by Gabriel Antoniu, Alexandru Costan, and Patrick Valduriez (Inria, France), in collaboration with Marta Mattoso (COPPE-UFRJ), obtained the Second Place at the Best PhD thesis award of the BDA conference, Montpellier, France.

The LifeSWS architecture

As a major outcome of our previous work on workflow management, with frameworks like DfAnalyzer, Gypscie, OpenAlea, and Provlake, we propose an open service-based architecture, Life Science Workflow Services (LifeSWS), which provides data analysis workflow services for life sciences.

SBBD 2022 Best Paper award nominee

The paper “A Data-Driven Model Selection Approach to Spatio-Temporal Prediction” by Rocío Zorrilla, Eduardo Ogasawara, Patrick Valduriez and Fabio Porto was nominated (top 3) for best paper and ranked second at SBBD 2022 – Brazilian Symposium on Databases,  Buzios, Brazil, 2022.

CARLA 2022 Workshop on HPC and Data Sciences meet Scientific Computing

In the context of the RISC2 project, Alvaro Coutinho, Marta Mattoso and Patrick Valduriez participated in a new working group on HPC, Data Science and Scientific Computing and organized the Workshop on HPC and Data Sciences meet Scientific Computing that took place at the CARLA Latin America HPC conference in Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 2022.

SBBD 2021 PhD award

Renan Souza’s 2019 PhD thesis “Supporting User Steering in Large-Scale Workflows with Provenance Data”, supervised by Marta Mattoso (COPPE-UFRJ) and Patrick Valduriez (Inria, France), received the Honorable Mention in the Biannual Contest of Theses and Dissertations of the 2021 SBBD (Brazilian Symposium of Databases) conference. Renan Souza has been a member of Zenith’s Associate Teams (SciDISC and HPDaSc) since he was a MSc student in 2015. He also received the Best Master Dissertation at SBBD 2017.

SBBD 2021 best MSc award

Rebecca Salles’ 2019 MSc dissertation “Benchmarking Nonstationary Time Series Prediction,” supervised by Eduardo Ogasawara (CEFET/RJ), received the Best Master award in the Biannual Contest of Theses and Dissertations of the 2021 SBBD (Brazilian Symposium of Databases) conference. Rebecca has been a member of Zenith’s Associate Team (HPDaSc) since 2020.

Inria Brasil first scientific workshop (Online, June 18, 2021)

The first Inria Brasil scientific workshop organized by LNCC and Inria presented some successful results and projects between Brazilian and Inria research teams. The workshop was in memory of our colleague from LNCC Artur Ziviani.

DEXA 2020 best paper award

The paper “Distributed Caching of Scientific Workflows in Multisite Cloud” by Gaëtan Heidsieck, Daniel de Oliveira, Esther Pacitti, Christophe Pradal, François Tardieu, and Patrick Valduriez, obtained the Best Paper award from the 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Springer, Sep 2020. The work has been done in collaboration with CIRAD and INRAe, in the context of the #Digitag project, and Brazil in the context of the HPDaSc Inria associated team.

RISC2: New European H2020 project (2021-2023) between Europe and Latin America in HPC

The RISC2 project is a coordination network for High Performance Computing (HPC) between Europe and Latin America, funded by the European H2020 FETHPC program and the partner countries.  It is managed by Barcelona Computing Center and has eight main European HPC actors, including Inria Zenith and Atos Bull, and the main HPC actors from Brazil, including LNCC and COPPE/UFRJ, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Costa Rica and Chile. For Zenith, LNCC and our Brazilian partners, this project will strengthen our cooperation in data science and HPC in the context of the HPDaSc Inria associated team.

Inria Brasil (2020-2022), a new partnership with LNCC

Inria and LNCC, the Brazilian National Scientific Computing Laboratory, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their collaboration in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. It is headed by Frédéric Valentin (LNCC & Inria International Chair) and Patrick Valduriez.

SBBD 2020

SBBD 2020  (Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados) was organized online by the Brazilian partners of the HPDaSc associated team. Fabio Porto was PC chair and Patrick Valduriez gave the tutorial “Principles of Distributed Database Systems: spotlight on NewSQL” on 29 September 2020.

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