Author's posts

Zenith seminar: Patrick Valduriez “Blockchain 2.0: opportunities and risks” 19 oct 2018

Séminaire Zenith: vendredi 19 octobre 2018, 11h BAT5-01.124 Blockchain 2.0: opportunities and risks Patrick Valduriez Zenith, Inria & LIRMM Popularized by bitcoin and other digital currencies, the blockchain has the potential to revolutionize our economic and social systems.  Blockchain was invented for bitcoin to solve the double spending problem of previous digital currencies without the …

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Zenith seminar: Mathieu Fontaine “Alpha-stable process for signal processing” 20 sept 2018

Séminaire Zenith: jeudi 20 septembre 2018, 11h BAT5-01.124, Campus Saint Priest Alpha-stable process for signal processing Mathieu Fontaine Zenith, Inria & LIRMM The scientific topic of sound source separation (SSS) aims at decomposing audio signals into their constitutive components, e.g. separate the main singer voice from the background music or from the background noise. In …

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IBC seminar: Dennis Shasha “Reducing Errors by Refusing to Guess (Occasionally)” 1 june 2018.

Séminaire IBC, organisé par  Zenith Vendredi 1er juin 2018, 14h Salle des séminaire, Bat. 4, LIRMM SafePredict: Reducing Errors by Refusing to Guess (Occasionally) Dennis Shasha Courant Institute, New York University We propose a meta-algorithm to reduce the error rate of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms by refusing to make predictions in certain cases even when …

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PhD/postdoc positions in Machine Learning and Big Data

Zenith  is proposing a PhD position and a postdoc position on machine learning and big data, with Antoine Liutkus and Patrick Valduriez as advisors. The successful candidates would work with us at Inria offices in Montpellier on: learning parameters models in big data, with applications to audio data analysis and processing. Main research themes: . Parallelization, …

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Journée Droit de l’Internet: la blockchain, Montpellier, Vendredi 2 mars 2018

Zenith participe à la Journée Droit de l’Internet: la blockchain, Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique, Montpellier, Vendredi 2 mars 2018. Programme    

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IBC seminar: Themis Palpanas “Data Series Management: Fulfilling the Need for Big Sequence Analytics” 19 jan. 2018

Séminaire IBC, organisé par  Zenith Lundi 19 mars 2018, 11h Salle 1/124, Bat. 5 Data Series Management: Fulfilling the Need for Big Sequence Analytics Themis Palpanas IUF et Université Paris Descartes There is an increasingly pressing need, by several applications in diverse domains, for developing techniques able to index and mine very large collections of …

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Journée d’étude Méthode, Intégrité Scientifique & Données, 16 février 2018, Montpellier.

Zenith participe à la Journée d’étude Méthode, Intégrité Scientifique & Données, Vendredi 16 février 2018, MSH SUD, Site Saint Charles 2, Montpellier.  

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Zenith Seminar: Vitor Silva “A methodology for capturing and analyzing dataflow paths in computational simulations” 31 jan. 2018

Mercredi 31 janvier, 11h, Salle 2/124 A methodology for capturing and analyzing dataflow paths in computational simulations Vitor Silva, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro Scientific applications in large-scale are based on the execution of complex computational models in a specific field of the science. Moreover, a huge volume of scientific data is commonly generated and stored in data …

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Zenith Seminar: Christophe Godin “Can we Manipulate Tree-forms like Numbers ?” 7 dec. 2017

Can we manipulate tree-forms like numbers ? Christophe Godin, Inria Thursday 7 December at 14h30 Salle des séminaires, Bat. 4 Abstract: Tree-forms are ubiquitous in nature and recent observation technologies make it increasingly easy to capture their details, as well as the dynamics of their development, in 3 dimensions, with unprecedented accuracy. These massive and complex structural …

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Zenith seminar: Ji Liu “Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Very Big Seismic Simulation Data ” 6 dec. 2017

Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Very Big Seismic Simulation Data Ji Liu Zenith Postdoc Wednesday 6 December at 11h Room: 02/124, Bat 5 Abstract: In recent years, big  simulation data is commonly generated from specific models,  in  different applications domains (astronomy, bioinformatics social networks, etc). In general, the simulation data corresponds to meshes that represent for …

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