Author's posts

Numev : réunion de l’axe Données Mardi 21 mai, 10h30 – 12h.

La prochaine réunion de l’axe Données NUMEV se tiendra Mardi 21 mai, 10h30 – 12h, La Galera, salle 127. Programme: Infos NUMEV: appels à projets, workshop Nadine Hilgert (INRA). Quelques pistes de recherche en statistique pour données fonctionnelles autour des données de phénotypage haut-débit (projet Phenome). Résumé : Les plates-formes de phénotypage génèrent de grandes quantités de données issues de mesures de variables …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/numev-reunion-de-laxe-donnees-mardi-21-mai-10h30-12h/

Zenith seminar: Maximilien Servajean,”Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation”, May 7, 3pm.

Maximilien will present a recent work, accepted in a workshop held with WWW 2013. Galéra, room 127. Title: Profile Diversity in Search and Recommendation Abstract: We investigate profile diversity, a novel idea in searching scientic documents. Combining keyword relevance with popularity in a scoring function has been the subject of dierent forms of social relevance. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-seminar-maximilien-servajeanprofile-diversity-in-search-and-recommendation-may-7-3pm/

IBC seminar: Marta Mattoso, “Big Data Workflows – how provenance can help”, March 25, 2pm.

Séminaire IBC Lundi 25 mars, 14h Salle 127, Batiment la Galera Organisé par l’équipe Zenith Big Data Workflows – how provenance can help Marta Mattoso UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Big data analyses are critical for decision support in business data processing. These analyses involve the execution of many activities such as: programs to explore data from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/ibc-seminar-marta-mattoso-big-data-workflows-how-provenance-can-help-march-25-2pm/

IBC seminar: Patrick Valduriez, “Parallel Techniques for Big Data”, March 22, 2pm.

Ce 6ième séminaire, dans le cadre de l’axe 5 “Données” de l’institut, aura lieu le Vendredi 22 Mars, de 14h à 15h30, à l’IBC, salle 127 (pour venir: http://g.co/maps/ygsrk): Patrick Valduriez, Zenith team, INRIA and LIRMM http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Patrick.Valduriez/ Parallel Techniques for Big Data Big data has become a buzzword, referring to massive amounts of data that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/ibc-seminar-patrick-valduriez-parallel-techniques-for-big-data-march-22-2pm/

Zenith seminar: Pierre Letessier,”Découverte et exploitation d’objets visuels fréquents dans des collections multimédia”, March 21, 11am.

Pierre will give a talk on his thesis work on “Découverte et exploitation d’objets visuels fréquents dans des collections multimédia“. The talk will be given in French. Abstract: L’objectif principal de cette thèse est la découverte d’objets visuels fréquents dans de grandes collections multimédia (images ou vidéos). Comme dans de nombreux domaines (finance, génétique, …), …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-pierre-letessierdecouverte-et-exploitation-dobjets-visuels-frequents-dans-des-collections-multimedia-march-21-11am/

Pl@ntNet iphone app rolls out

Plantnet iphone app is an image sharing and retrieval application for the identification of plants. It is developed in the context of the Pl@ntNet project by scientists from four French research organisations (INRIA, Cirad, INRA, IRD) and the members of Tela Botanica social network with the financial support of Agropolis fondation. Among other features, this free app helps identifying plant species from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/plntnet-iphone-app-roll-out/

ZENITH is seeking junior researchers (INRIA is hiring 29 researchers in 2013)

INRIA is hiring 29 researchers in 2013 The competition is now open: http://www.inria.fr/en/news/news-from-inria/researcher-competitive-selection-2013 ZENITH is seeking junior researchers in scientific data management with expertise in areas such as data mining, distributed and parallel databases, scientific workflows, P2P computing, cloud computing, content-based information retrieval.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-is-seeking-junior-researchers-inria-is-hiring-29-researchers-in-2013/

A hybrid P2P/cloud for Large Scale Data Sharing

Post-Doc Offer A hybrid P2P/cloud for Large Scale Data Sharing With the advent of the Internet and the World-wide-web, there is an emergent need to develop user applications that access data and resources stored in the network. In order to facilitate the development of network-centric applications, new computational paradigms are needed that are scalable, elastic, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/a-hybrid-p2pcloud-for-large-scale-data-sharing/

Zenith seminar: Dennis Shasha,”Upstart Puzzles”, January 30, 2013.

Galéra, room 127 at 10:30. Dr. Dennis Shasha is a professor of Mathematical Sciences in the Department of Computer Science at NYU. Along with research and teaching in biological computing, pattern recognition, database tuning , cryptographic file systems, and the like, Dennis is well-known for his mathematical puzzle column for Dr. Dobbs whose readers are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-dennis-shashaupstart-puzzles-january-30-2013/

Zenith scientific seminar: Dennis Shasha,”Storing Clocked Programs Inside DNA: A Simplifying Framework for Nanocomputing”, January 28, 2013.

Galéra, room 127 at 2:30pm. Dr. Dennis Shasha is a professor of Mathematical Sciences in the Department of Computer Science at NYU. Along with research and teaching in biological computing, pattern recognition, database tuning , cryptographic file systems, and the like, Dennis is well-known for his mathematical puzzle column for Dr. Dobbs whose readers are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/zenith-scientific-seminar-dennis-shashastoring-clocked-programs-inside-dna-a-simplifying-framework-for-nanocomputing-january-28-2013/