Journée “La science des données à l’IRIT”: Patrick Valduriez “Data Science: opportunities and risks”

Data Science: opportunities and risks

Patrick Valduriez

Journée “La science des données à l’IRIT”, Toulouse, 11 avril 2016.

Data has been quoted as the new oil, to reflect that big data can be turned into high-value information and new knowledge. Although data analysis has been around for a while, starting with statistics and evolving lately into exploratory data analysis, data mining and business intelligence, the new dimensions of big data (volume, variety, velocity, etc.) make it very hard to process and analyze data, and derive good conclusions. To address this grand challenge, data science is emerging as a new science that combines computer science, statistics and machine learning, visualization and human-computer interactions to collect, clean, integrate, analyze and visualize big data. The ultimate goal is to create new data products and services, as well as training legions of data scientists. In this talk, I will introduce data science, including big data and cloud technologies. I will also illustrate the main opportunities and risks, in particular by telling my favorite stories about the good, the bad and the ugly.

See the presentation slides.

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