PhD Defense of Tran Duc Minh

July 23rd, 2018


“Discovering multi-relational association rules from ontological knowledge bases to enrich ontologies”



In the Semantic Web context, OWL ontologies represent explicit domain knowledge based on the conceptualization of domains of interest while the corresponding assertional knowledge is given by RDF data referring to them. In this thesis, based on ideas derived from ILP, we aim at discovering hidden knowledge patterns in the form of multi-relational association rules by exploiting the evidence coming from the assertional data of ontological knowledge bases. Specifically, discovered rules are coded in SWRL to easily integrated within the ontology, thus enriching its expressive power and augmenting the assertional knowledge that can be derived. Two algorithms applied to populated ontological knowledge bases are proposed for finding rules with a high inductive power: (i) level-wise generated-and-test algorithm and (ii) evolutionary algorithm. We performed experiments on publicly available ontologies, validating the performances of our approach and comparing them with the main state-of-the-art systems. In addition, we carry out a comparison of popular asymmetric metrics, originally proposed for scoring association rules, as building blocks for a fitness function for evolutionary algorithm to select metrics that are suitable with data semantics. In order to improve the system performance, we proposed to build an algorithm to compute metrics instead of querying via SPARQL-DL.



  • LE THANH, (Université de Nice Sophia Antipoplis) examinateur
  • HOANG Huu Hanh, (Hue University Hue University – Vietnam) rapporteur
  • NGUYEN Thanh Binh (Danang – University of Science and Technology – Vietnam) co-directeur de thèse
  • TETTAMANZI Andrea , (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis) co-directeur de thèse

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