Here is an overview of our research through al gallery of posters produced in the team:
- QALM: a Benchmark for Question Answering over Linked Merchant Websites Data, ISWC 2014.
- Toward an Ontology-Based Chatbot Endowed with Natural Language Processing and Generation, ESSLLI 2014.
- Hunting for inconsistencies in multilingual DBpedia with QAKIS, ISWC 2013.
- Syntactic Computation of Hybrid Possibilistic Conditioning under Uncertain Inputs, IJCAI 2013.
- Temporal and semantic analysis of user-generated content, SSSW 2013.
- The Unit Graphs Framework: Foundational Concepts and Semantic Consequence, RANLP 2013.
- Rationale, Concepts, and Current Outcome of the Unit Graphs Framework, RANLP 2013.
- PRISSMA: enabling adaptative interfaces for ubiquitous web of data, at SSSW 2012.
- Toward licences compatibility and composition in the Web of data, ISWC 2012.
- SHI3LD: ubiquitous access control for SPARQL endpoints, at WWW 2012.
- Combining textual entailment and argumentation theory for supporting online debates interactions, ACL 2012.
- Assisting business users along analytical sessions, ISWC 2011.
- Towards mobile adaptative presentation of the web of data, ISWC 2011.
- ULiS: An Expert System on Linguistics to Support Multilingual Collaborative Management of Interlingual Knowledge Bases, TIA 2011.