Pierre-Louis Roman PhD defense on December the 18th at 14:00 in room Petri-Turing

You are cordially invited to attend the PhD defense of Pierre-Louis Roman that will be held December 18 at 14am, Room Petri-Turing and for a drink in Room Markov.

Jury members :
Dick Epema, Full Professor, Delft University of Technology
Pascal Felber, Professeur, Neuchâtel University
Pascal Molli, Full Professor, Nantes University
Gaël Thomas, Professor, Telecom SudParis
Spyridon Voulgaris, Assistant Professor, Athens University of economics and business
Emmanuelle Anceaume, Researcher, CNRS/IRISA
Davide Frey, Researcher, Inria Rennes
François Taiani, Professor, Université de Rennes 1

Title: Exploring heterogeneity in loosely consistent decentralized data replication

Decentralized systems are scalable by design but also difficult to coordinate due to their weak coupling.Replicating data in these geo-distributed systems is therefore a challenge inherent to their
structure.The two contributions of this thesis exploit the heterogeneity of user requirements and enable personalizable quality of services for data replication in decentralized systems. Our first contribution Gossip Primary-Secondary enables the consistency criterion Update consistency Primary-Secondary to offer differentiated guarantees in terms of consistency and message delivery latency for large-scale data replication. Our second contribution Dietcoin enriches Bitcoin with diet nodes that can (i) verify the correctness of entire subchains of blocks while avoiding the exorbitant cost of bootstrap verification and (ii) personalize their own security and resource consumption guarantees.

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