Paper accepted at FOCS 2024!

George Giakkoupis and Dimitrios Los from the WIDE team, jointly with Marcos Kiwi (Universidad de Chile), had their paper entitled “Naively Sorting Evolving Data is Optimal and Robust” accepted at FOCS 2024, one of the leading conferences in computer science! In this paper, the authors study sorting in the evolving…

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Paper accepted at PODC 2024!

Congratulations to George Giakkoupis for his paper entitled “Faster Randomized Repeated Choice and DCAS” with Dante Bencivenga and Philipp Woelfel, accepted at PODC 2024. In this paper, the authors revisit the Double-Compare-and-Swap (DCAS) problem. DCAS is a useful and fundamental synchronization primitive for shared memory systems, which, contrary to CAS,…

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Paper accepted at ICDCS 2024

Congratulations to Manon Sourisseau, Jérémie Decouchant, François Taïani, and David Bromberg for their paper entitled “Partition Detection in Byzantine Networks” accepted at ICDCS 2024. Jérémie works at TU Delft; meanwhile, all remaining authors are members of the WIDE team. The paper addresses the problem of detecting network partitions while considering the…

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Paper accepted at Distributed Computing!

An extended version of the paper “Good-case Early-Stopping Latency of Synchronous Byzantine Reliable Broadcast: The Deterministic Case”, published at DISC 2022, has been accepted at Distributed Computing, a leading journal in the field of distributed algorithms. The paper, authored by Timothé Albouy, Davide Frey, Michel Raynal and François Taïani, presents…

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