Paper accepted in the Journal of the ACM

Congratulation to Armando CASTAÑEDA*, Sergio RAJSBAUM* and Michel RAYNAL for their paper Unifying Concurrent Objects and Distributed Tasks: Interval-Linearizability that has been accepted in the Journal of the ACM (JACM).

This paper (resulting from a collaboration with UNAM, MX, Équipe Associée LiDiCo) presents two important results related to the theory of Concurrent and Distributed Computing:

  • The first is a generalization of the of the concept of Linearizability to concurrent objects that have no sequential specification.
  • The second is on the equivalence between the notion of an “object” and the notion of “task”. The notion of a task to distributed computing generalizes the classical notion of a (mathematical) function used in sequential or parallel computing.

These two points are new and paves the way to better understand the deep nature of concurrent distributed computing.

* Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
† Univ Rennes, IRISA & Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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