Paper accepted at Distributed Computing!

An extended version of the paper “Good-case Early-Stopping Latency of Synchronous Byzantine Reliable Broadcast: The Deterministic Case”, published at DISC 2022, has been accepted at Distributed Computing, a leading journal in the field of distributed algorithms.

The paper, authored by Timothé Albouy, Davide Frey, Michel Raynal and François Taïani, presents a new framework for designing certificate-based synchronous Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (BRB) algorithms. The paper further shows how this framework can be used to reconstruct multiple BRB implementations, such as the time-honored Byzantine Agreement algorithm with signed messages by Lamport, Shostak and Pease, or a novel deterministic BRB algorithm with good-case latency of max(2,t+3-c), with t the maximum amount of Byzantines and c the effective amount of correct processes. This latter algorithm greatly improves the t+1 upper bound for synchronous BRB good-case latency, which has remained unchanged for 40 years.

Congratulations to the authors!

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