Paper accepted at DISC 2022!

The paper entitled “Good-case Early-Stopping Latency of Synchronous Byzantine Reliable Broadcast: The Deterministic Case” has been accepted at DISC 2022, the International Symposium on Distributed Computing, one of the premier venues on the theory of distributed systems.

The paper, authored by Timothé Albouy, Davide Frey, Michel Raynal, and François Taïani, investigates the good-case latency of Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (BRB), i.e., the time taken by correct processes to deliver a message when the initial sender is correct, and an essential property for practical distributed systems.

The paper proposes a novel deterministic synchronous Byzantine reliable broadcast that achieves a good-case latency of max(2, t+3-c) rounds, where t is the upper bound on the number of Byzantine processes, and c the number of effectively correct processes. It thus improves on the bound t+1 known for these algorithms since the eighties.

Congratulation to the authors!

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