WIDE team co-organises the first Unikraft Lyon Hackathon

Lyon Unikraft Hackathon   Unikraft and École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) come together to organize the first Unikraft Lyon Hackathon to be held Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15, 2022. The hackathon will take place face-to-face with the possibility to join virtually via Unikraft’s Discord server. Registration To take part in the hackathon,…

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EuroSys 2022 hosted in Rennes

More than 240 international researchers have joined us this week in Rennes for EuroSys 2022. The WIDE team is strongly involved in this event: David Bromberg is serving as General Chair of the conference, Erwan Le Merrer as Workshop Co-Chair, Djob Mvondo as Poster Chair, François Taïani as Web Chair, and…

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A new paper accepted at STOC 2022

The paper “Expanders via Local Edge Flips in Quasilinear Time”, by George Giakkoupis, has been accepted at the 54th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2022). Congratulations to George! The paper provides a new analysis for a natural, local edge-flipping process, which shows that starting from any connected regular…

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An NSDI paper for the WIDE team

Congratulations to David Bromberg, Davide Frey, and Quentin Dufour for their paper entitled “DONAR: Anonymous VoIP over Tor” accepted at NSDI 2022! Congratulations to their co-author Etienne Rivière from UC Louvain! DONAR is a system enabling anonymous VoIP with good quality of experience (QoE) over Tor. No individual Tor link…

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Amaury Bouchra Pilet’s PhD Defense took place on Wed November 10

Amaury Bouchra Pilet successfully defended his Ph.D. entitled “Contributions to distributed multi-task machine learning” on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at IRISA/Inria in Rennes. Jury members: Marc TOMMASI, Professor, Université de Lille Giovanni NEGLIA, Research Scientist, Inria, Sophia Antipolis Sara BOUCHENAK, Professor, INSA Lyon, Aurelien BELLET, Research Scientist, Inria, Lille Alexandre…

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2021 WIDE Team Seminar

The WIDE team will hold its 2021 seminar on Oct. 30 – Sept. 1 at Domaine de Saint-Yvieux – 35540 Le Tronchet. Many exciting talks and fascinating discussions are awaiting us! Thursday 09:30 – Arrival + Welcome Coffee 10:00 – Opening (François) 10:15 – Séance 1 Scientific Talks (1h30) Erwan:…

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Djob Mvondo joins WIDE’s academic staff

The WIDE team is delighted to welcome his newest permanent member: Djob Mvondo has just joined us since 1st September as “Maître de Conférence” (covering the span from Assistant to Associate Professor). Prior to his recruitment in Rennes, Djob obtained his PhD from the LIG laboratory of the University of…

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