10th Inria Workshop On Systems (WOS10) – 12th October 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 10th Inria Workshop On Systems (WOS10) that will take place on October 12th 2021 (full day) at Inria Rennes (Rennes, Beaulieu Campus, https://osm.org/go/eri2dm6pB?m=) and online.

The program includes:

  • Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CNRS, on Green Computing
  • Romain Rouvoy, Univ. Lille: How green is your cloud: from measurements to actionable insights
  • Chadi Barakat, Inria: Bridging the gap between network measurements and quality of experience: the video streaming case
  • Sandrine Vaton, IMT-Atlantique, on the use of Machine Learning for Computer Networks
  • Vincent Roca, Inria, on contact tracing and TousAntiCovid
  • Nabil Ghanmi (ARIADNEXT): A full remote identity verification system for a secure KYC procedure
  • Jalil Boukhobza (ENSTA Bretagne), François Trahay (Télécom SudParis): EZIOTracer: unifying kernel and user space I/O tracing for data-intensive applications
  • Nominoe Kervadec, Broadpeak: Building a high-performance benchmarking and load-testing tool for video streaming and content delivery systems
  • Freysteinn Alfredsson, Karlstad Univ.: Bringing packet queueing to XDP
  • Yohann Ghigoff, Orange: BMC: Accelerating Memcached using Safe In-kernel Caching and Pre-stack Processing

The workshop is planned as a hybrid physical/online event. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, a valid Covid Pass will be requested of physical participants. Detailed arrangements might change on short notice, depending on governmental and institutional decisions.

Please note, attendance is free, but registration is compulsory for organizational reasons. (Contrary to past editions, lunch will not be provided for sanitary reasons.)

More information and registration: https://team.inria.fr/wide/wos/

We hope to see you there!


The WOS organizers

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