Valda Seminar: Yann Ramusat

12 April 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS, S16 The Semiring-Based Provenance Framework for Graph Databases The growing amount of data collected by sensors or generated by human interaction has led to an increasing use of graph databases, an efficient model for representing intricate data. Techniques to keep track of the history of…

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Valda Seminar: Michaël Thomazo

8 April 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS, S16 Capturing Homomorphism-Closed Decidable Queries with Existential Rules Existential rules are a well studied ontology-mediated query language for which the chase represents a generic computational approach for query answering. It is straightforward that existential rule queries exhibiting chase termination are decidable and can only recognize…

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Valda Seminar: Debabrota Basu

Debabrota Basu, Inria Lille. 11 March 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS S16. Verifying and Explaining Unfairness of Machine Learning Algorithms In recent years, machine learning (ML) algorithms have been deployed in safety-critical and high-stake decision-making, where the fairness or unbiasedness of algorithms bears significant importance. Fairness in ML centres on detecting bias…

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Valda Seminar: Mikaël Monet

Mikaël Monet, Inria Lille. 25 February 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS, S16. Shapley Values for Relational Databases and Machine Learning The Shapley value is a game-theoretic function that can be used to distribute the wealth of a team in a cooperative game. This function has strong theoretical justifications has been applied across…

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