PhD Defense Rehearsal: Shufan Jiang

12 December 2022, 14:00-15:30. ENS, Hauts du DI. Intégration de données textuelles pour la détection des risques naturels en agriculture Agriculture is entering the digital age through data (which opens up precision agriculture) or knowledge (which opens up new decision support tools). Modern technologies and IoT devices have been applied…

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Valda Seminar: Paul Boniol

28 November 2022, 14:00-15:00. ENS, S16. Detection of Anomalies and Identification of their Precursors in Large Data Series Collections Extensive collections of data series are becoming a reality in many scientific and social domains, such as environmental sciences, astrophysics, neurosciences, and engineering. Informally, a data series is an ordered sequence…

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Valda Seminar: Dan Suciu

4 November 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS, S16. Datalog: Optimizations and Extensions Modern data analytics requires iteration, yet relational database engines are mostly optimized for non-recursive queries. SQL supports only a limited form of recursion. A better formalism for recursive queries is datalog, which has some elegant properties (recursion always terminates), and…

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Valda Seminar: Camille Bourgaux

3 June 2022, 10:30-11:30. ENS, Hauts du DI. Querying inconsistent prioritized data with ORBITS: Algorithms, implementation, and experiments We investigate practical algorithms for inconsistency-tolerant query answering over prioritized knowledge bases, which consist of a logical theory, a set of facts, and a priority relation between conflicting facts. We consider three…

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