Job offers

      • Master 2 research internships leading to PhD

        In 2025, our team will be offering subjects of Master 2 resarch internships, with the perspective of leading to PhD, from pure to applied . For information, here is some subjects given the previous years.

      • Optimisation de l’organisation de services d’urgences hospitalières (X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert), proposé dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec le Bernouilli-Labs INRIA–AP-HP, see the M2 subject and the PhD subject
      • Matrix multiplication games (M. Akian. S. Gaubert), see  the subject
      • Tropical geometry applied to games with mean payoff (contact X. Allamigeon, S. Gaubert for details).
      • Permanent and long term positions

        INRIA and CNRS offer every year permanent researchers positions (application deadline early Jan for CNRS,
        mid Feb. for INRIA). INRIA also offers long term positions. The applied mathematics department of Ecole polytechnique ocasionnally offers permanent lecturer positions on fields of the team (optimization, operations research, game theory). All these positions are among the most highly
        competitive. Applicants are required to prepare a scientific research program showing integration in the lab (CMAP) and in our team. We advise potential applicants to contact well in advance permanent members of the team.

      • PhD fellowships

        Some PhD fellowships are attributed every year by INRIA after a competitive procedure. We are also eligible
        to competitive PhD fellowships given by Ecole Mathématique Hadamard.

        Potential applicants with an outstanding academic background interested by the research topics of the Tropical team may contact Stephane.Gaubert AT or Marianne.Akian AT or any permanent researcher of the team, to check the suitability of their application. The final deadline is generally April,
        but files are typically prepared much before. To make a PhD in the team, it is advisable (but not mandatory)
        to do first a master 2 internship with us, on a topic leading to the PhD (master2 is the year in France
        preparing to a PhD).

      • Postdoc offers

        Several post-doc positions are attributed by INRIA after a competitive procedure every year. We are
        also eligible to post-doctoral position offered by Fondation Mathématique Hadamard / Labex Hadamard.
        The application deadline for Hadamard is end of November, see <“A HREF=””Hadamard post-doc site,
        for INRIA, it is generally in March.

        If your scientific interests meet some of those of the Tropical team (max-plus or tropical algebra, Perron-Frobenius theory, optimal control and games, Hamilton-Jacobi PDE, discrete mathematics, mathematical aspects of Operations Research…), and if you are interested by a post-doc position in our team, you are welcome to contact Stephane.Gaubert AT or Marianne.Akian AT or any permanent researcher of the team to check the suitability of your application. Applicants having obtained an outstanding PhD inside or outside France are particularly encouraged.

Master leading to PhD fellowships

Competitive fellowships (supporting life expenses) are offered by the FMJH to make a Master year leading to a PhD in one of the Labs of the Paris-Saclay & IPP campus, consult FMJH Scholarship site (two deadlines, one end of Jan for foreign students one mid May for local post-docs). See also IPP Phd Track Program

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