Course on Applied AI (3D part)

This part of the Applied AI course offers an introduction to data measurements used to digitalize our world in 3D as well as methods and algorithms for analyzing and reconstructing objects and scenes in 3D spaces

Types of 3D data measurements
Local analysis of 3D data and scene classification
Neural Networks for 3D point clouds
3D Reconstruction of freeform and piece-wise planar objects
3D City modeling

Planning :
8 octobre    8h00-10h00   CM:  Analysis of 3D data
8 octobre    10h15-11h45   Lab: Classification of urban scenes (VirtualBox / c++)
16 octobre    13h30-15h30   CM: 3D reconstruction of objects and scenes
16 octobre    15h45-17h15   Lab: Detection of planar shapes (VirtualBox / c++)

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