Quad Layouts on Surfaces: Generation and Optimization (October 7th, 11am)

by Marcel Campen (RWTH Aachen University) on Monday October 7th at 11am in room Byron beige.

Many surface representations require a partitioning of the surface which is to be represented into quadrilateral regions. For instance, this is the case for representations based on Bézier or NURBS patches as well as for semi-regular quad meshes. Subdivision surface representations also benefit from the regularity of base meshes with quadrilateral faces. A huge amount of manual effort goes into the design of these so-called quad layouts in various sectors like animation, product design, or simulation.

This talk presents the advances in the automatic and semi-automatic generation and optimization of quad layouts that are currently being made. The attempt at concise definition of quality criteria for quad layouts already reveals the complexity of the problem, caused by an interplay of discrete, combinatorial, and continuous degrees of freedom as well as contradicting demands which require compromises. By identification and suitable decomposition of this problem into tractable sub-problems, we are now able to obtain considerable results in fully automatic ways and can provide helpful assistance to manual designers.


Marcel Campen is a PhD candidate at the Computer Graphics Group of RWTH Aachen University (Germany) working with Leif Kobbelt. His research interests are in the fields of Geometry Processing and Robust Geometric Computation, with a recent focus on questions related to Surface Representation and Reverse Engineering.

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